with Sri Ganesh

O Lord, O Bhagavan, Claim this World, Let there be no Boundaries, Let the Fire of Delight Run and Spread Everywhere, Till there is Utter Recognition.

- 19-01-09:

… The entire AV Transport Service team came to seek Darshan and blessings for their new vehicles; they offer coins and Rs 15/- in bills… Krishnaswamy offers a large sapling of a banyan tree…! And Manikandan has brought back from the birthplace of this Babuji – who is supposed to live on in an immortal body in the Himalayas – several plain, small clay vessels for the service to Sri Ganesh…

Sri Ganesh, Your vehicle is taking you Into the darkness The mind and life Have together created And it is Agni Lighting all hearts Who seize On

Your benign figure And regain hope, O Brother, Sri Ganesh.

- 20-01-09:

… Today the Dalai-Lama is to visit Auroville, to inaugurate the completed Tibetan Pavilion and address a very large audience; it is his third visit to Auroville (his first visit took place in January, 1973) and, this time, the level of security alert is very high and there are


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