with Sri Ganesh

The Spirit of the Earth, Prithviatman, Bhoomiatman, With the greatest, Most knowing Dignity - Regardless of the pains, The wounds, The betrayals, You are her spirit Eternal Whose beauty is Entire and complete

And for ever Generous...

- 17-01-09:

Sri Ganesh, You are the Wealthiest Pilgrim, As you amble and roam The worlds, Kin to all And yet free, Owned by none, You have Her Riches At your command, Her treasure of existence, And the staff you hold Your hand is gently extended, Illuminating and protecting, And the sight of you Makes the heart happy, For all your regalia Are but a testimony To Her Grace, And the beauties you display Are deep doorways To the delight Of the Siddhis… Is that of true Spiritual life,


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