with Sri Ganesh

- 16-01-09:

… Quite a few people come to do pranams and have Darshan of Sri Ganesh today, the third day of Pongal, and some of them sit and chant for a long time, so loudly in Tamil that I myself can only sing to Sri Ganesh at the very end of the puja; they all seem to be happy in a quiet way and they all spring up and file in when I finish the Aarti… … I have been looking at these questions as I wrote yesterday… I can see how easily one could go mad around that issue of the objectivity of the traits, qualities and presence attributed to a “God”, a deity, an aspect of the Divine, a face of the Supreme, a form of the Formless; especially if one must hold on, as I do, to certain statements made by the Two of You… For instance, Douce Mère, You have explained that evolution and progress only occur in the most material plane, that is, here upon earth in a material body; while in the plane where the gods exist and live, there is no evolution: it is a typal plane and those personalities are what and who they are eternally. But, as I turn to this service, to this Aspect, to this Sri Ganesh here and now, I encounter a presence whom I am inspired to invoke, to draw, as an active presence, a presence which can be involved in the work of transformation and, not only collaborate, but make a considerable contribution. And this aspect is connected to the psychic being too – which is another contradiction, as You have also explained that gods do not have psychic beings and, when and if they desire to have one, they must take human birth or unite with a living human being… These days, I would not mind to have the possibility of verifying, somehow, the perceptions I have been getting with someone of authority, a knowledgeable spiritual person who could tell me whether these attributes I find are truly related to Lord Ganesha, and what are the steps for those who turn to this Aspect of the Supreme… But who…? I would have wanted to go to the previous Shankaracharya of Kancheepuram, but he is no more and his successors do not inspire me with any confidence; I would have been willing even to seek Panditji’s view, but he too has passed away… There must be individuals alive now, but how am I to know of them? Sri Ganesh has to give me those indications, if I really need them…!

Sri Ganesh, Today you are


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