with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, You are The right Intermediary, Priyam Purohitam, You from whom flows Such beauty…

- 31-01-09:

Sri Ganesh, The fold and drape

Of your mantle is woven Of Nature’s exquisite care, Your raiment as you amble Sparkles and shines and nourishes The viewer, Your Darshan is A magnet To help men break

The illusion of Separation –

Every gesture and every pose Of your dance Contains Aum, The pulse before Creation,

Before the senses, Before expression, The source Of it all.

- 01-02-09:

Sri Ganesh, To the Master of Harmony, Aum Namo Bhagavate; From the Impersonal

To the Diversity of Personalities, You are he who does and undoes


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