with Sri Ganesh

The knots of Karma So that all may learn The Law of Unity And serve its powers – In silence you reside Within The secret lodge

That connects Everywhere...

Aum Namo Bhagavate.

… This afternoon, Krishnaswamy got hold of one of these huge multi- purpose machines that are now ubiquitous and asked the driver to move the enormous stone cylinder which has been left lying on the side of the main road; M. and I had thought we could turn it into another interesting seating place near the entrance area. The man managed to drag and haul it all the way and dumped it in a hollow we had prepared, leaving us to struggle with it and adjust its position, with the help of a couple of local people who happened to pass by; then, once it was ser, we chipped off the top surface and asked the stone carver, Murthy, to find us a beautiful rock to place there… … Early this morning, before dawn, I had a peculiar dream, very concrete, in which for the first time (that I remember so vividly and physically) I met Ganesha; but, in the dream, it wasn’t even defined as such: it was a perfectly normal event. I was somewhere a little crowded, like a large family home; there was some kind of agitation or commotion in one of the rooms on the ground floor and I went closer and found people there talking confusedly of either a she-dog or a woman having just given birth to… an elephant…! But when I walked nearer to them, I saw suddenly, standing up and walking to me, like a small boy, perhaps 6 or 7 years old in size, with the beautiful head and trunk of an elephant, and we recognized each other and it was perfectly normal; in fact, he recognized me first and it was his confidence and trust that cancelled any question I might have had. We met half-way and hugged one another with very simple and clear affection; this was a lovely creature, of a light brown color, very frank - 03-02-09:


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