with Sri Ganesh

and harmonious and simple and loving, reaching my chest perhaps, very well-proportioned; it didn’t even occur to me to think “Ganesh”: there was no need, no call for it; we simply belonged to one another…! The thing is, I want to understand, to grasp the exact nature of the relationship between the physical, material plane and the plane where these beings are stationed, and what is the action possible within that relationship – that is, assuming that the relationship is indeed confirmed between a living human person and, say, Sri Ganesh, as I have symbolized years ago, here, by building the “Riddhi” room facing the “Siddhi” shrine, so that Kusum could settle in that very relationship... And, further, how beneficial can this action and this relationship become in a general way, how effective can they be in harmonizing a general, collective atmosphere, and what are the steps required to serve this purpose… I want and need to understand, to grasp this, in the context of there being a new, active Force of Consciousness at work in the world to introduce and to awaken a new mode of incarnation – the Supramental… … Sometimes, Sri Ganesh seems to be absorbed by, or transparent to, a particular aspect of the Mother; today it is Lakshmi, Her poised, immaculate, gentle light, firm and delicate, luminous and tranquil and ordered and generous with Her blessings of a rich harmonic certainty…

- 04-02-09:

… This morning, I could not find any garland: every shop is closed and there is hardly any traffic, as a general strike has been called by several political parties in support of the Sri Lankan Tamil population… So, today, I offered ferny foliage spangled with red and white blooms and stars…

There is a culture Of the Manifesting Self That has evolved through ages; It is seated in the truth Of Material Nature, And it is aware Of the linking process That triggers Matter’s Response –


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