with Sri Ganesh

- 27-09-11:

... A middle-aged fellow, very respectful, came in to do a full pranam, meditated a while and offered Rs.10/-.

Sri Ganesh, Crowned Knight of the Two Who are One, Your full figure is A song of dense gathered light,

A light which is A wealth of joy

And a force and a sap And a generous flow Of Tender harmony –

Priya Ganapati, Aum,

- 28-09-11:

... There are terrible floods in the North-East ... A pleasant fellow, well-dressed, probably from another State, comes in to pray and offers Rs. 10/-

Sri Ganesh, Exquisite Dancer of the Ways, Your constant, tender call And your perennial act Of Service, Whether to the mundane Or to the ascetic, Is to learn true surrender Of all separate pursuits And courageous trust In the thriving Of the One’s Delight For which the whole universe Is The Cradle –


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