with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, Lovely, Mysterious Prince And Master of An abstruse Alchemy, Knower of Patterns and of Their Dynamics, Ageless Observer of The Processes, Able to block and cancel, To clear and provide, You have long been waiting For men to seek Genuine collaboration, You have long been waiting For the Mother’s Victory And the time of Transformation...

- 01-10-11:

... Several men come in, led by this fancy local man, to do their pranams, and he offers Rs. 10/-.

Sri Ganesh, You are the Bridegroom and the Bride, At once coy and chivalrous,

And your living union is A motion of harmony, Vivid with scarlet love And sweetly and wholly Surrendered And glowing with Vermilion glee,

With the sun and the moon And the stars of the night Dancing On the winding path you clear As You come forth...

And thus do you teach That Plenitude


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