with Sri Ganesh

Is born From the finding Of The One In All...

- 03-10-11:

Sri Ganesh, Wide and Puissant is the Wheel Of your perceptive, harmonizing action, If and when You are addressed –

If and when By the prayer and The offering The heart’s call rises From surrendered space –

There you appear, seated attentive At the center of the Wheel, And it is set in motion And it brims With Conquering love And Luminous prosperity...


... At noon the headman comes in and offers Rs. 10/-. In the afternoon I spend in the market for new stocks of incense and oils and camphor Rs. 730/-.

- 04-10-11:

... Parasu comes in with a request: his second child was born at dawn, 6.30am today, a boy, and he and his wife, Valli, want me to name him. I was not expecting this, but I agreed to try, as it is to serve Parthy’s immediate family...


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