with Sri Ganesh

And the path Is Nourished...

- 11-10-11:

Sri Ganesh, Prince of Loving Wisdom And Inclusive, Creative Harmony, Wide and Circular Is your Embrace, Searingly deep Is the source Of your knowledge And sure are the springs Of Increase You may activate When Truly addressed – Magnificent is your poise Today, Sri Ganesh...


- 12-10-11:

... A man I do not know offers Rs. 10/-.

(I note the following as an example of Sri Ganesh’s way of working: while I was inside the shrine this morning, before Sri Ganesh, I got a call from the State Bank of India to confirm the transfer and receipt of all the insurance money which was kept in the French Postal Bank, the clear conclusion and fruition of a fairly long process, over almost a year time, which had all the characteristics of Ganeshji’s mode of action within Your Grace, Sweet Mother; now, what was rather fast depleting has been turned into a good bulwark of sustenance for years to come...)

Tranquilly Glorious


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