with Sri Ganesh

You sit erect in the Cave, The Deep King Of True Prosperity Holding the Treasure Of the Shakti’s Love and Care – Following the Offerings To your Abode One finds The Deep Sun in the Dark –

Beacon of Safety, Trustee of the Needed Knowledge To clear the Path Ahead...


- 13-10-11:

... There was an obstruction again to the electric supply; Boobalan had asked me to dig out one of the cables, which I did; when he came back today he found that tiny honey bees had entirely plugged the sheath of the cable supplying the shrine... Later, Krishna who had come in to sing and pray to Ganeshji, helped me to shift the granite pillars back in place, and today I could start the pump and fill the tank and the pond as well...

Compact and Unified, Sri Ganesh, You appear As a Great Commander And Overseer Of the Path to be trod – You wear the marks Of your Origin For all to see And your front is lit With the steady burst Of the One’s Love –


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