with Sri Ganesh

So that all truthful hearts May seek Your blessings and protection As they lay before

Your calm figure Their self-givings To Her...

Aum Namo Bhagavate.

- 14-10-11:

... A small group of teenagers came in to do pranam and to visit the garden and, together, offered Rs 20/-. The headman sat through the last part of the puja, attended the Aarti and offered Rs. 10/-. The elder later also offered Rs. 10/-...

Gathered in a pose Of calm generosity Filled with the flow of Her Blessings, You stand in welcome Opening your embrace

To usher one into the dance Of grounding and centering –

You stand arrested So as to be seen In readiness To clear and protect, Before you whirl and speed On your way, Free Knower and Roamer Of the Universe...

At noon, the Aurovilian couple from Orissa, Ramakrishna and his wife, come in with their new-born infant daughter to be blessed, and they too offer Rs. 10/-.


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