with Sri Ganesh

- 19-10-11:

Today is Elections day for the posts of Panchayat in this part of Tamil Nad; almost everyone is on leave from work and the traffic is much reduced...

Asato Ma Sat Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya

Sri Ganesh There are secret – hidden – patterns Of a substratum level Of the physical organism And there you seem, Sri Ganesh, To have your dwelling – And your appearance there, Sri Ganesh, Is neat and clean and glowing, In a sort of calm, self-contained Power of freedom In Matter –

Beautiful, Luminous and Complete, Ganesha...

- 20-10-11:

Sri Ganesh, Seated Sun-filled and Erect In your wide open chariot, Slowly you appear, Massive yet wholly alert, A condensed, vibrant aggregate Of ageless energy, And you bear The triple mark of the Love That must govern When all have at last Made the crossing,


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