with Sri Ganesh

For which you come To bless –

And thus you slowly appear, A tender Majesty Whose orb encompasses All pathways To The Siddhi...


- 21-10-11:

... Lately I have been feeling a little blocked: a need more acute to evolve, to become, and for this service to move up to another degree of awareness and significance; but I can see or feel no indication on how to go forward... But then, more recently in a fleeting manner and yesterday, while cycling on one of my two-hour tour, in a gentle and very natural way, it felt as if Ganeshji himself was moving along, with me or in me, as a companion, with his own independent base of perception... ... I want to walk and be present to the world in a deeper, more alert, more useful way...1

Sometimes Sri Ganesh it appears That your figure is itself The Temple, With its gates and openings, Its circuits And Its golden core, Alive with the glow And the motion Of the pivoting Sun, The pillar of Agni rising From the white conch, The planets awhirling, The measured pace of the universe –

And it is thus That all pilgrims may find All faces


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