with Sri Ganesh

Carmine and pearl is your Glowing crown, And the density of your mass Is An embrace Which you are ready To radiate

Into this world of Matter Whenever and wherever The call is there...

- 29-10-11:

... Since the time I had to go, on Juan’s insistence, and have X-rays made and examined by specialists, and was told by them that, if I didn’t stop squatting and sitting on the floor my hip joint would within a year be shot and I would become unable to take even a few steps... it has felt, in the body, like a curse... And gradually I began to experience discomfort, then strange aches in my right hip and thigh; and recently it has turned to actual pain. And yesterday evening, getting up from my work at the computer (revising my texts on Sri Ganesh), the pain got suddenly so acute that for a while I just couldn’t move and wanted to cry... ... I looked up on the Internet about this Subramuniswamy: American born, in 1927, he passed away in 2001 at Hawaii, where he has founded an Ashram; he was initiated in 1949 by a certain Yogaswamy in Nagpur, who gave him as his lifelong task the mission to spread Hinduism through the world. This he has done quite well and consistently (he has also founded the reputed international magazine “Hinduism Today”). In 2001 when he found out that he had cancer of the intestines, he decided to leave and stopped ingesting any food – only water, till he passed, 32 days later, on November 13 th . I noted also that he had got a special recognition at the United Nations on par with Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and Sister Teresa...! ... Sri Ganesh, I wish I would learn from you to be truly benevolent, to truly have this smile in life, this lightness, this warmth towards the world...

You are so lovely, You yourself perhaps are


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