with Sri Ganesh

Listening Into the hearts –

Only when the need is Truly deep To address you, Do you reveal some Of your own depth...

Sri Ganesh, Aum...

- 28-10-11:

... I have been reading, on and off, this study of Ganesha by Swami Subramuni, who is seeking to serve the true universal religion, Sanatana Dharma, of which, he writes, Lord Ganesh is the keeper for all times; according to him Ganeshji has been there all along, as far back as Hinduism goes and is the first among all the gods and the best guide, teacher and friend to whomever turns to him, no matter one’s background. It is clear that he speaks from a living experience and, in that sense, all he says is echoing within me with a true ring... But then there is also a sort of self-righteous posture of spreading the good word and gathering the flocks... He subscribes to a school of yoga that posits the existence of seven negative, or inferior chakras, below the Muladhara where Sri Ganesh resides, each of which must be closed and sealed as the soul develops and becomes ready to evolve into the higher seven chakras, with Lord Ganesh’s help...

Sri Ganesh, you seem to be today Very neatly ensconced And very deeply seated In your unique station –

As if immobile a vigil, Emanating silently And constantly The powers of protection And knowledge And clearance of the way –


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