with Sri Ganesh

In the Night, Prince of the One Light In the Dark – Across Creation A Trail of Substantial Light – Form and Name Of the One Chosen by Her – The Light Of Rising Knowledge In the Night Till all is Continuum...

- 27-10-11:

... A man who has come several times recently, today enters just before the Aarti, prays and offers Rs. 10/- and continues praying and by then I am ready to do the Aarti and he stands to attend it, as if transfixed, and then makes one brisk round and walks away...

Sri Ganesh, In your makeshift quarters By the side of the road You are the gracious host, Her envoy and

Secret Assessor, Missioned by Her To assay The presence of gold in the midst Of humanity –

And whoever comes to you Finds A benevolent simple King Girded with the Shakti’s Emblems, Silently watching and, Perhaps,


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