with Sri Ganesh

In your forest dwelling, Sri Ganesh, With your healing powers All collected about you In the clean calm Of concentration, You are seated immobile, Absorbed yet wakeful, A luminescent mass, Knowing, Anchored to the One, Enveloped in Grace, And the offerings Are glad and safe...


- 26-10-11: Deepawali.

It pours and pours and pours. Stupidly I parked the bike on the roadside as usual, without securing its stand, and it later fell sideways and the clutch handle snapped... It is very dark now and getting cold; somehow this year I have an apprehension about this monsoon – I don’t know why. I also find that, oddly, I am reliving the period of my last stay in the hospital, and there is a sort of terror about it (these hellish, relentless waves assailing my physical consciousness which I experienced after the surgery), as if it was in fact looming ahead, instead of being a past event... It is a rather nasty spot in the spiral, these days – the whole of the physical and material life feels so precarious and dependent and so riddled with artifacts, illusion, misery... And yet it is also so close to the Truth and the Delight of All...

... Today Sri Ganesh I was only able to give you the flowers of resurrection, 0f life-energy...

Her Prince in the Night, Prince of the Sun In the Night, Prince of the Two


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