with Sri Ganesh

- 24-10-11:

Yesterday, with Parthi’s ministrations, Sri Ganesh sat as the Benign Inscrutable Emperor...

... It rained, slowly, most of the night and into the morning and the air is now still and warm... ... The headman offered Rs, 10/-.

Today Sri Ganesh you appear With your great staff of Shiva Under a shower of The richest blessings, A dense riotous joy Falling upon you And all about you As you amble on the way –

The force of creation Ever entering The field of Matter, While at the base And silent core Of the Act Glows puissant The fire of Love – Thus does the Supreme Meet itself Infinitely and Eternally –

By the Grace...


- 25-10-11:

The monsoon seems to be setting in... What with the frequent and often long power-cuts, it is sometimes too dark to have any activity... ... The elder came in briefly, without even an umbrella, and offered Rs. 10/-...


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