with Sri Ganesh

Parthy then went to the pharmacist in Koot Road and got me a course of antibiotic tablets which I started... I do not understand this absence of receptivity and response in the organism; it is a kind of spell. And it has come to a point now when I find there can be no real, meaningful change and evolution in this world unless and until this very spell is broken, this hypnotism is dissolved and the capacity of conscious Choice may incarnate in Matter... All the rest, including the highest experiences and realizations, appears to me now as of very little consequence for the actual condition of the world...

Aum Namo Bhagavate Satyam Ritam Brihat Nityanandam There must be a physical Way, A Leverage, an Opening, A Link – Let me pray For Collaboration, Sri Ganesh, Let your wide and brimming presence, Rich with the Qualities,

Help clear the Way, Help clear the Way... Aum.

- 18-11-11:

... The sky is now fully overcast, with intermittent rain, and the air is very cool... ... Just as I finally manage to sing the Aarti, a man comes to the door of the shrine and prays, and then offers Rs. 10/- ... I have lately been in this “state of mind”, so to say, where my serving Ganeshji here, in this fashion and these circumstances, is nothing but a joke...: depending on the mood it is either a good joke, evoking rolling bouts of mirth, or a bad one, tasting bitter, a sort of gloomy punishment inflicted on me, on my “wrongness”... There is the sense of being now a sort of deserted ground – no superior force is here to battle the old process of degradation, there


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