with Sri Ganesh

seems to be no support whatsoever to my attempts to trust in a higher or deeper will within the physical existence, and I am left clueless and exposed to the relentless gnawing of irreducible erosion and decay... ... But... I can see, now that the puja is done, that Sri Ganesh is truly magnificent, even though in some way I stand here like a hollow mime or monkey... I wonder: everything that has been happening to me for some years now seems to point to an accelerating undoing; whenever I get a glimpse of any creative task, it seems to be far away, as if in a dream, or in an area now forbidden to me... As if, between the Grace and the Curse that seem to have jointly presided over this life, the curse had finally obtained an annulment of... what could or ought to have been...

Sri Ganesh It is as if from whichever direction One gazes upon you, The great whirling motion Of your dance Stands arrested, So that your wide robes Of flaming protection Might extend Before the heart of the viewer, A silent meaningful pause Which conveys A density of light, Of knowledge And of True care... Aum.

- 19-11-11:

... Veerappan, who previously worked under me as a mason and is now one of the contractors in Edayachavadi, informed me this morning that the land opposite here has now been acquired by a local politician, who plans to build a hotel there! He also tells me of a new road being marked and measured out to join the new Highway to the ECR across the Auroville area, beginning right here – the implication being that the present road will be enlarged right here: more demolition?


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