Alcalá View 1987 3.7

Journal Stacks


University of San Diego Archives Employees like U.C. dining E mployees generally a re pl eas ed w ith th e n ew Faculty/ Sta ff Dining Room in the Unive rsity Cente r. accord- in g to a rec e nt random sampling of op inions.

A few criti cized the for- mal a tmosphere of th e din- ing room. Some sa id they fee l a little intimidated to ea t t h e re . But a ll inte r- viewed app r ec iated t h e posi ti ve a ltitude th e room conveys aboul the way USO views its em ployees. ··1rs nice of the Un iver- sity to give employees a space like th at.·· said Sheryl Lorey-McAtee, s ec re ta ry in Graduate Ad- missions. Although sh e ha sn·t eaten in the dining room yet. s he is looking for- ward lo doing so. Larry Alexander. pro- fessor of law. likes th e din- ing room as we ll as the rest of th e Cente r. " Bul it's con- gested ge lling lo lhe dining room and p ri ces a re up," h e a dded. " It (lhe dining room) is really pretty:· said Laura Karow. Print Shop assist- a nt. "a lol nicer than De- Sales:· She a dmitted. how-

Rudy Spano, director of dining services: Cheryl Berlin. assistant director: and Doug Gardner, cash operations manager.

Spano knows frustration too I f you·ve fe ll frustrated waiting in line at one of the Unive rsity Center ea te ri e s during the last c oupl e of months. just imagine how Rudy Spano has fe lt. It's Spano who direc ts

"It's going to take time to use it to its pote ntia l. There were probl ems we couldn't foresee - like the lines." Now, much of the rough water is past. Spano s ees smoother sailing a head. "You won't find this ty pe of dining facility al most schools." h e says. He fe els it compare s favorably to what a diner would find in the private sector. And his staff likes its n ew s urroundings. ··peop le are eager to work h e re. There is a real sense of pride now:· h e says. •

USD's dining services duties h e's fulfill ed on cam- pus for four and a half years. Although the open- ing of the Center was an ex- c iting d eve lopment from his persp e ctive. it a lso brought frustrations. After a ll. Spano a nd his staff h ad to train more than 250 stu- d e nts to use n ew equip- ment an d adj us t to new routines in a building a s unfamiliar to the regular dining s ervices staff as it was lo the students. "Th e building is ve r y complex ." h e points out.

(Please see n ext page)

USO Employees Newsletter

Vol. 3, No. 7

March 1987

Employees like U.C. dining (continuedfrom page 1) eve r. to feeling a little in- timida ted a bout eating in the dining room dressed in h er regular working garb of j eans and sweater. Dr. Cole Manes . associ- ate professor of biology. has eaten in the din ing room onc e. He liked the furni s h- ings. but found the room it- self somewhat difficult to find . " Th e pric es were a bout the sam e and the food was good.'' h e said. " I think the dining room is beautiful.' ' said Stepha- nie Sheltz . Co nstitu e nt Re la tions secretary. She und e rstand s how so m e emp loyees might feel in- timidated by th e room's at- mosphe re. but adde d. " I think it was nice of the Uni- versity to d esign such a ni ce room : e mployees shou ld appreciate it." Diane Fuller was more c ritical. " I think it's osten- ta tious a nd overdon e," said the Alumni Re lations sec- re tary. She also criticized the higher prices. And yet. she added. "I think it 's g reat employees have the ir own place to eat." "The atmosphere is very comfortable in the dining room." said Dr. Angelo Orona. associate professor of a nthropology. He fee ls t he Cente r itse lf will give students a be tter e nviron- m ent in whic h to congre - gate. Joan Brisebois, Gradu- ate Adm issions secretary. loves the view. " It 's gor- geo u s . I was d e li g ht e d whe n I ate there. The view is just breathtaking." The dining room. which is located a djacent to the Stud e n t Dining Room. seats 125. It is open 11: 30 a .m .-1 :15 p .m . Mond ay through Friday •

Meet USD's. .. Greg Modugno This month's employee in the spotlight is Greg Modugno . who has worked at USD for 10 y ears as coo k for the ban- quets and cate ring divi- sion of Dining Se rvices. Greg. his wife. Claudia. and their two children . Porchia. seven. and Andre. four. live in Linda Vista 1. What bri ngs you the most satisfaction in life? Hav ing childre n to pa r- ent. 2. Who is your hero in life and why? I don't h ave any. but I do resp ec t p eo pl e who treat peopl e with di g nit y n o matte r what their status is in life. 3 . If you could be president of USD for a day what action would you take first? I wou ld build mul ti-story pa rking structures. 4. What is the most pleasurable aspect of your job? Making food taste good a nd look good . 5. What i s t he least pleasurable aspect of your job? Runnin g o ut of tim e when yo u n eed more. 6 . What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I enjoy playing with my c hildre n . Playing mu s ic a nd watch ing o ld Pe rry Ma- son e pisodes a nd nat ure programs on te levision . 7. If you coul d be 21 again , what would you do differently in your life?

Greg Modugno

I wou ld settle down and start a fam ily earlier than I did. 8 . What was the last movie y ou saw? Star Trek. 9. Wha t concerns you most about the community in wh i ch you live?

Th e r e a re t oo m a ny apa rtm ent compl exes be- ing bu ilt in this area. ll is causi n g m or a nd mor e co nges tion . 10. What is your fa- vorite holiday and why? I don·t have a favo ri te. I just e njoy t he lime off from work • Death Bob Hunt. form e r Un ive r- s ity director o f physi ca l p la n t. on Marc h 9. Has something notable h appened in your life? Share th e news with the r es t of the USD commu- nity by phoning ext. 4684. We' ll include the n ews in an upcom ing issue of Al- ca la View.



Sara F inn. APR. director of public re lations, to the San Di ego C h a mb e r o f Comm e r ce Gove rnm e nt Re la ti o n s Committee for State and Fede ra l Gove rn- m ents.

Castro tops • ID trivia S ixteen perfect entries created a logj am for the numb e r on e spot in Marc h's Alcala View trivia co ntest. so it took a ti e - breaking d raw ing to de ter- min e t h e winn e r Eduardo Castro of the Loa n Co ll ec tions Office. Ma rch's winn er was to re- ceive a $5 gift certificate to Ca rl's Jr. res taurant. but beca us e t h e drive-in re- ce ntl y discontinu ed its gift certifica te program. Castro wi ll re ce ive $5 cash. He is the second person from Loan Co ll ec tions to win the contes t. Mercedes Be nn ett won Oc tobe r 's game. Others a nswe ring a ll 10 q u es tions co rr ec tl y las t month inc luded Van Ngoc Huynh. Purchasing: June Aleman. Communication Se rvices: Mercedes Ben- nett . Loan Co ll ec tions : Kimm Timmons . Da t a Process ing: Kearin Mur- ray . Bookstore : Linda Camp . Loan Co ll ect ions: Margaret Kirk. History: Celeste Weinsheim . Gra duat e Dea n ·s Offic e : Calista Frank. Human Reso urces: Larry Null . Phys ical Pla nt: Fr. Pat Ca- hill. Athl e tic De pa rtme nt: Kathi Goldman. Reside n- tial Confere nce Housing: Sr. Betsy Walsh. Englis h : Mai Fisher . Bookstore: a nd Tanya Gosewisch . Law Sc hool Fina ncial Aid . Be low is qui z s ix. whic h li k e p rev io u s qui zze s. is open to a ll USD e m- ployees. Entries s hould be comp leted a nd sent to th e P ubli ca tion s Offi ce. De- Sa les 274. by 5 p.m. Friday. April 3.

moved lo la rge r qua r- ters in Serra Hall. Answers to last month's qui z: 1. Patricia He lm 2. Safety and Security 3. East 4. Three 5. March 6 , 198 7 6. Guadalupe Hall 7. John McNamara 8. False 9. C 10. May 24 . 198 7 Rules 1. Only USD emp loyees are eligibl e to enter. 2 . Only on e e ntry p e r employee. 3 . Entries should be re- turned to the Pub lications Office. DeSales 274. by the d eadline. Entries rece ived after th e deadline will be dec la red ineligible. 4 . In case of ties. a draw- ing will determine th e win- n er. 5 . Employees of the Pub- lications Office are ine ligi - ble to enter th e contest. •

Eduardo Castro 9. Carl Boals works for what office? 10. True or false: the Fi- nancial Aid Offi ce

Th e winn er of Marc h's contest will receive a $5 g ift certificate to El Teco- lote restaurant. 1. Who is th e director of Da ta Processing? 2. In te rm s of square foot age. wha t is t h e la rges t building on campus? 3. Security's m a in offi ce is located in what building? 4. True or fa ls e : An em- p loyee who becom es ill o n vacation may us e acc ru e d si c k leave. 5. In what buildin g is the Specia l Events Of- fi ce located? 6. The Fre n c h Parlo r is located in a) Olin Ha ll b) Found e rs Ha ll c ) Cami no Ha ll. 7. Who is c h ai rma n of USD's Board of Trus- tees? 8. What was the fi na l win-loss record of th e m e n ·s b as ke tb a ll team th is season?

r I

USD Trivia Contest Name ______________ _____ _ 7 I Department _ _______________ Campus ext. ________ ________ I Answers I 1. -------------------- 2. ---------------- ---- 3. ------------------- - 4. -------------------- 5. ------------------ 6. ----- --------------- 7. --------------------- 8. ----- --------------- 9. -------------------- L 10. - ---------- ------- _J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

A lca la View is pu b li shed monthly August through May by th e Publica tions and Hu- m a n Resources offices. Th e

n ewslet ter is distribu ted lo all Unive rsity or San Diego em- ployees.

who recc nlly received a promotion or tra nsle r: Audrey Campbell- Hardesty . from secretary II. Public Inte rest Law/Law School. to se nior secretary. School of Nursing: Daniel Clark. from secretary II. English De p a rtm e nt. to c lerica l assistant II. Hu- man Reso urces: Pureza Garces . from cas ual worker I. Dining Services. lo d ishwasher. Main Dining Room: Jeffrey Moore. from graduate assistant to lib rary assistant I. Cop ley Library: Maria Naranjo . from casual worker I. Oin- ing Services. lo dish- washer. Ma in Dining Room: Alfred Sutlick, Jr.. from patrol offi ce r I lo patrol officer II. S ec urit y : Lonnie Turner. from pa- trol officer I lo patrol officer II . Security: Socorro Vaz- quez Jones . from secre- tary I. Human Resources. lo secretary II. Un iversity Center.

Coming Up

"Dilemmas in Economic Policy: Where Do We Go from Here?" Sixth in se- ri es of fre e lcct ures de- voted to ecomonic justice. Pau l Wohlmuth Esq.. pro- fessor or law. forum leader. 7:30 p.111 .. Man- chester Excculi\'c Confer- ence Center. 260-4585. 10 Business Update Break- fast S e rninar. "Mega- trends. Manageme nt and You:· Dr. Lawre nce Barry. adjunct professor of rnan- agem e n t . Continental brea kfast 7:30 a.111 .. serni- nar 8 a.m. Manch es te r Conference Center. $ 15. 260-4585. Me n's baseball vs. Univer- sity of Santa Clara. 2:30 p.m .. baseball fi eld. 11 Me n·s baseball vs. Univer- sity of Santa Clara. dou- ble header. Noon. baseball fi eld. Dean·s Ball. Proceeds ben- e fit academic programs. Ti ckets$ 125. $250. $500. Cocktails 7 p.m .. dinn er 8 p.m .. Town and Country Hotel. 698-1156. 16 Men·s base ball vs. Pacific Lutheran Univers ity. 11:30 a. m .. baseball fi eld . 21 Me n·s base ball vs. San Diego State Un ive rs ity. 7 p.m .. SDSU field. 24 Business Update Break- fast S e minar. "'Men. Wome n. Power and Orga- nizational Politics... Dr. Johanna Hunsa ker. asso- ciate professor of manage- ment. Continental break- fast 7:30 a.m .. seminar 8 a.m .. Man c hester Con- ference Center. $15. 260- 4585. 25 Me n's baseball vs. Sacra- m e n to State. double-

he a der. Noon. baseball l'icl d. 26 Sisle r Rossi Concert. USO Orchestra. conducted by Dr. Henry Kolar. wi ll per- form musi c by Haydn. Smetana and Brahm's Piano Concerto No. l. Fr. Nicolas Reve les piano so- loist. 4 p.m .. Camino Th e- ater. $5 general: $2 stu- d e nts w ith i.d. Funds be nefit Sr. Rossi Scholar- ship fund. 260-4600. ext. 4456. S e nd calendar items to Judy Barnes. Publica- tions Office. DeSales 274. New staff, promotions W elcome lo lhe fol- lowing n ew staff employees who recently joine d the USO community: Carolyn Ann Cos- tanzo . c le rical ass is tan t. Financia l Aid: Dawn Marie Dunbar. offset press operator. Print Shop: Richard Gaby . electri- cian. Physical Plant: Lora Gardner . secretary. Law School: Rosemary Les- tyk . clerical assistant. Pay- roll: Thomas Novak . cashier, Controller: Maria Nyffenegger. unit leade r. Mini Market/University Center: Diana Gay Ro- berts, secretary. Cente r for Public Interest Law/Law School. Congratula ti ons lo lhe following staff employees

APRIL Through May 31 Cori ta Kent serigraph exh ibition . Noon to 5 p.m .. week- days. Founders Gallery. 260-4600. ext. 4261. 1 AS and Law School Stu- dents Association speaker series. "'Witness to Power: · John Ehrlichman. form e r Nixon Whit e House aide. 8 p.m .. Uni- versity Center Forum. $4. general: $2 students. 2 AS and Law School Stu- de nts Association speaker series. "Witness to Power:· John Ehrlichman. 8 a.m .. Unive rsity Center Forum. $4.50. genera l: $3.50. students: includes breakfast. "Can We Have Both Guns and Margarine?" Fifth in series of free lectures de- voted to economic justice. Forum leader Dr. Dennis Briscoe. associate profes- sor of management. 7:30 p.m .. Manchester Exec u- tive Conference Center. 4-5 Crew C lass ic. TBA an- nounced . Mission Bay. 8 AS and Law School Stu- dents Association speaker series. Sara Weddington. winning attorney in Roe vs. Wade legal case that legalized abortion. 8 p.m .. University Center Forum. $4. general: $2. students. 9 AS and Law School Stu- dents Association speaker series. Sara Weddington. 8 a .m .. University Center Forum. $4.50. general: $3 .50. students: includes breakfast.

Torero honors

Head coac h Hank Egan was named West Coast Ath letic Conference (WCAC) Coach of th e Year and 1ore ro cente r Scott Thomp- son was nam ed conference Player of th e Yea r at th e end of the season. USD's 24-6 reco rd was the best in school history. Egan·s three-year record al USO is now 60-26. •

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Publications Office DeSales Hall Room 274

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