Alcalá View 1987 3.7

who recc nlly received a promotion or tra nsle r: Audrey Campbell- Hardesty . from secretary II. Public Inte rest Law/Law School. to se nior secretary. School of Nursing: Daniel Clark. from secretary II. English De p a rtm e nt. to c lerica l assistant II. Hu- man Reso urces: Pureza Garces . from cas ual worker I. Dining Services. lo d ishwasher. Main Dining Room: Jeffrey Moore. from graduate assistant to lib rary assistant I. Cop ley Library: Maria Naranjo . from casual worker I. Oin- ing Services. lo dish- washer. Ma in Dining Room: Alfred Sutlick, Jr.. from patrol offi ce r I lo patrol officer II. S ec urit y : Lonnie Turner. from pa- trol officer I lo patrol officer II . Security: Socorro Vaz- quez Jones . from secre- tary I. Human Resources. lo secretary II. Un iversity Center.

Coming Up

"Dilemmas in Economic Policy: Where Do We Go from Here?" Sixth in se- ri es of fre e lcct ures de- voted to ecomonic justice. Pau l Wohlmuth Esq.. pro- fessor or law. forum leader. 7:30 p.111 .. Man- chester Excculi\'c Confer- ence Center. 260-4585. 10 Business Update Break- fast S e rninar. "Mega- trends. Manageme nt and You:· Dr. Lawre nce Barry. adjunct professor of rnan- agem e n t . Continental brea kfast 7:30 a.111 .. serni- nar 8 a.m. Manch es te r Conference Center. $ 15. 260-4585. Me n's baseball vs. Univer- sity of Santa Clara. 2:30 p.m .. baseball fi eld. 11 Me n·s baseball vs. Univer- sity of Santa Clara. dou- ble header. Noon. baseball fi eld. Dean·s Ball. Proceeds ben- e fit academic programs. Ti ckets$ 125. $250. $500. Cocktails 7 p.m .. dinn er 8 p.m .. Town and Country Hotel. 698-1156. 16 Men·s base ball vs. Pacific Lutheran Univers ity. 11:30 a. m .. baseball fi eld . 21 Me n·s base ball vs. San Diego State Un ive rs ity. 7 p.m .. SDSU field. 24 Business Update Break- fast S e minar. "'Men. Wome n. Power and Orga- nizational Politics... Dr. Johanna Hunsa ker. asso- ciate professor of manage- ment. Continental break- fast 7:30 a.m .. seminar 8 a.m .. Man c hester Con- ference Center. $15. 260- 4585. 25 Me n's baseball vs. Sacra- m e n to State. double-

he a der. Noon. baseball l'icl d. 26 Sisle r Rossi Concert. USO Orchestra. conducted by Dr. Henry Kolar. wi ll per- form musi c by Haydn. Smetana and Brahm's Piano Concerto No. l. Fr. Nicolas Reve les piano so- loist. 4 p.m .. Camino Th e- ater. $5 general: $2 stu- d e nts w ith i.d. Funds be nefit Sr. Rossi Scholar- ship fund. 260-4600. ext. 4456. S e nd calendar items to Judy Barnes. Publica- tions Office. DeSales 274. New staff, promotions W elcome lo lhe fol- lowing n ew staff employees who recently joine d the USO community: Carolyn Ann Cos- tanzo . c le rical ass is tan t. Financia l Aid: Dawn Marie Dunbar. offset press operator. Print Shop: Richard Gaby . electri- cian. Physical Plant: Lora Gardner . secretary. Law School: Rosemary Les- tyk . clerical assistant. Pay- roll: Thomas Novak . cashier, Controller: Maria Nyffenegger. unit leade r. Mini Market/University Center: Diana Gay Ro- berts, secretary. Cente r for Public Interest Law/Law School. Congratula ti ons lo lhe following staff employees

APRIL Through May 31 Cori ta Kent serigraph exh ibition . Noon to 5 p.m .. week- days. Founders Gallery. 260-4600. ext. 4261. 1 AS and Law School Stu- dents Association speaker series. "'Witness to Power: · John Ehrlichman. form e r Nixon Whit e House aide. 8 p.m .. Uni- versity Center Forum. $4. general: $2 students. 2 AS and Law School Stu- de nts Association speaker series. "Witness to Power:· John Ehrlichman. 8 a.m .. Unive rsity Center Forum. $4.50. genera l: $3.50. students: includes breakfast. "Can We Have Both Guns and Margarine?" Fifth in series of free lectures de- voted to economic justice. Forum leader Dr. Dennis Briscoe. associate profes- sor of management. 7:30 p.m .. Manchester Exec u- tive Conference Center. 4-5 Crew C lass ic. TBA an- nounced . Mission Bay. 8 AS and Law School Stu- dents Association speaker series. Sara Weddington. winning attorney in Roe vs. Wade legal case that legalized abortion. 8 p.m .. University Center Forum. $4. general: $2. students. 9 AS and Law School Stu- dents Association speaker series. Sara Weddington. 8 a .m .. University Center Forum. $4.50. general: $3 .50. students: includes breakfast.

Torero honors

Head coac h Hank Egan was named West Coast Ath letic Conference (WCAC) Coach of th e Year and 1ore ro cente r Scott Thomp- son was nam ed conference Player of th e Yea r at th e end of the season. USD's 24-6 reco rd was the best in school history. Egan·s three-year record al USO is now 60-26. •

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Publications Office DeSales Hall Room 274

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