Alcalá View 1987 3.7

Castro tops • ID trivia S ixteen perfect entries created a logj am for the numb e r on e spot in Marc h's Alcala View trivia co ntest. so it took a ti e - breaking d raw ing to de ter- min e t h e winn e r Eduardo Castro of the Loa n Co ll ec tions Office. Ma rch's winn er was to re- ceive a $5 gift certificate to Ca rl's Jr. res taurant. but beca us e t h e drive-in re- ce ntl y discontinu ed its gift certifica te program. Castro wi ll re ce ive $5 cash. He is the second person from Loan Co ll ec tions to win the contes t. Mercedes Be nn ett won Oc tobe r 's game. Others a nswe ring a ll 10 q u es tions co rr ec tl y las t month inc luded Van Ngoc Huynh. Purchasing: June Aleman. Communication Se rvices: Mercedes Ben- nett . Loan Co ll ec tions : Kimm Timmons . Da t a Process ing: Kearin Mur- ray . Bookstore : Linda Camp . Loan Co ll ect ions: Margaret Kirk. History: Celeste Weinsheim . Gra duat e Dea n ·s Offic e : Calista Frank. Human Reso urces: Larry Null . Phys ical Pla nt: Fr. Pat Ca- hill. Athl e tic De pa rtme nt: Kathi Goldman. Reside n- tial Confere nce Housing: Sr. Betsy Walsh. Englis h : Mai Fisher . Bookstore: a nd Tanya Gosewisch . Law Sc hool Fina ncial Aid . Be low is qui z s ix. whic h li k e p rev io u s qui zze s. is open to a ll USD e m- ployees. Entries s hould be comp leted a nd sent to th e P ubli ca tion s Offi ce. De- Sa les 274. by 5 p.m. Friday. April 3.

moved lo la rge r qua r- ters in Serra Hall. Answers to last month's qui z: 1. Patricia He lm 2. Safety and Security 3. East 4. Three 5. March 6 , 198 7 6. Guadalupe Hall 7. John McNamara 8. False 9. C 10. May 24 . 198 7 Rules 1. Only USD emp loyees are eligibl e to enter. 2 . Only on e e ntry p e r employee. 3 . Entries should be re- turned to the Pub lications Office. DeSales 274. by the d eadline. Entries rece ived after th e deadline will be dec la red ineligible. 4 . In case of ties. a draw- ing will determine th e win- n er. 5 . Employees of the Pub- lications Office are ine ligi - ble to enter th e contest. •

Eduardo Castro 9. Carl Boals works for what office? 10. True or false: the Fi- nancial Aid Offi ce

Th e winn er of Marc h's contest will receive a $5 g ift certificate to El Teco- lote restaurant. 1. Who is th e director of Da ta Processing? 2. In te rm s of square foot age. wha t is t h e la rges t building on campus? 3. Security's m a in offi ce is located in what building? 4. True or fa ls e : An em- p loyee who becom es ill o n vacation may us e acc ru e d si c k leave. 5. In what buildin g is the Specia l Events Of- fi ce located? 6. The Fre n c h Parlo r is located in a) Olin Ha ll b) Found e rs Ha ll c ) Cami no Ha ll. 7. Who is c h ai rma n of USD's Board of Trus- tees? 8. What was the fi na l win-loss record of th e m e n ·s b as ke tb a ll team th is season?

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USD Trivia Contest Name ______________ _____ _ 7 I Department _ _______________ Campus ext. ________ ________ I Answers I 1. -------------------- 2. ---------------- ---- 3. ------------------- - 4. -------------------- 5. ------------------ 6. ----- --------------- 7. --------------------- 8. ----- --------------- 9. -------------------- L 10. - ---------- ------- _J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

A lca la View is pu b li shed monthly August through May by th e Publica tions and Hu- m a n Resources offices. Th e

n ewslet ter is distribu ted lo all Unive rsity or San Diego em- ployees.

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