3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

State-of-the-Art Review: Microservices Architecture in Cloud-Based Warehouse Management for the Automotive

Industry’s Industry 4.0 Transition Eric Munyeshuri 1 , Peshraw Sulaiman 2 Silesian University of Technology 1,2 Faculty of Organisation and Management / Department of Logistics Roosevelta 26, 41-800 Zabrze Poland eric.munyeshuri@polsl.pl 1 , Peshraw.Sulaiman@polsl.pl 2

Abstract This state-of-the-art literature review explores the integration of microservices architecture within cloud-based warehouse management systems in the automotive industry, a key facet of Industry 4.0 transformation. The paper synthesizes current academic and industry insights, focusing on how microservices architecture enhances operational efficiency, scalability, and innovation in automotive warehouse management. It examines the transition from traditional architecture to microservices, highlighting the technological advancements and strategic implications for the automotive sector. The review also addresses challenges and future trends, providing a comprehensive understanding of the role of cloud computing and microservices in modernizing automotive industry supply chains. This condensed analysis offers valuable insights for professionals navigating the digital transformation in the automotive industry’s logistics and supply chain management. Keywords: Automotive Industry, Cloud-Based Warehouse Management, Industry 4.0, Supply Chain Digitization JEL Classification: C880, L620, O330 1. Introduction Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, marks a significant transformation in the manufacturing landscape through the integration of advanced digital technologies. In the automotive industry, this revolution has introduced a paradigm shift, enabling smart manufacturing processes, enhanced productivity, and greater flexibility. Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and cloud computing have been pivotal in optimizing supply chains, reducing operational costs, and improving product quality and customization options. The automotive sector, characterized by its complex supply chains and high demand for efficiency, has particularly benefited from these advancements, leading to more resilient and adaptable manufacturing ecosystems(El Hamdi & Abouabdellah, 2022). Warehouse management plays a crucial role in the automotive industry’s efficiency and success. Effective warehouse management systems (WMS) ensure timely supply of parts, optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and improve overall operational


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