3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

efficiency. In the context of Industry 4.0, the integration of digital technologies in warehouse operations has further enhanced these benefits, enabling real-time tracking, predictive analytics for demand forecasting, and automated inventory management. This digital transformation is essential for the automotive sector to meet the increasing demands for customization and rapid delivery in a competitive market(Lototsky et al., 2019). Microservices architecture is a method of developing software systems that are divided into independently deployable, modular services. Each service runs a unique process and communicates through a well-defined, lightweight mechanism to serve a business goal. In cloud-based solutions, microservices offer significant advantages, including enhanced scalability, flexibility, and faster deployment times. This architectural style is particularly relevant to the automotive industry’s needs, where dynamic market conditions require rapid adaptation and scaling of applications. By adopting microservices, automotive companies can better manage their cloud-based warehouse management systems, improving efficiency and responsiveness(Tapia et al., 2020). 2. Objectives and Scope of the Paper This paper aims to explore the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies, with a focus on microservices architecture, in cloud-based warehouse management systems within the automotive industry. It will examine the impact of these technologies on operational efficiency, scalability, and adaptability, and discuss the challenges and solutions associated with their implementation. The scope includes an overview of Industry 4.0, traditional vs. cloud-based warehouse management, microservices architecture, and future trends in automotive warehouse management. Through comparative analysis and technical discussions, this paper will provide insights into the benefits and potential of digital transformation in the automotive sector’s warehouse management practices. 3. Materials and methods The methodology used in this state-of-the-art review aimed to systematically synthesize existing literature relevant to the integration of microservices architecture in cloud based warehouse management systems within the context of the automotive industry’s transition to Industry 4.0. The following subsections outline the key components of the methodology: A comprehensive literature search was conducted across various electronic databases such as IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar using a combination of keywords like “microservices architecture,” “cloud-based warehouse management,” “automotive industry,” “Industry 4.0,” and related terms with Boolean operators for refining search queries. Inclusion criteria were established to select scholarly articles, conference papers, technical reports, and white papers that provided substantial insights into the integration of microservices architecture within cloud-based warehouse management systems specifically in the automotive industry’s context.


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