3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

and organizational leaders. By illuminating the path to effective SMART training implementation, the research endeavours to empower organizations to navigate the complexities of contemporary business landscapes while fostering the continuous development of their most valuable asset – their workforce. In conducting this research, the author employed a dataset sourced from the Eurostat Database to enhance the illustration of the current situation within the automotive sector. The data selected pertains to the years 2021 and 2022. A crucial step involved filtering the NACE classes specifically associated with the automotive sector (C29-C30). Through this approach, the available outputs facilitated a more nuanced comprehension of the automotive sector’s significance within the European economy and its impact on employment. The author has chosen these eight top markets strategically, considering their favourable geographical positions that collectively represent almost all European regions. 3. Results of the Research A thorough analysis of the dataset presented in Table 1 reveals that the Central (and Eastern) European region, exemplified by Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, stands out as the most prominent automotive area. Following this, the focus extends to the Southern European region, with Spain and Italy playing significant roles in the automotive sector. This geographical distribution underscores the concentration of automotive industry influence in Central and Southern European regions, emphasizing their pivotal contributions to the overall dynamics of the European automotive market.

Table 1: Automotive in selected European markets Market Enterprises

Persons employed Value added (mil. €)

Net turnover (mil. €)




204,000,00 1,070,000,00


2,953 2,329 1,783 1,740 1,658 1,141

872,108 168,581 225,910 211,216 157,338 175,825

109,727,66 13,938,63 17,775,24 8,191,23 11,084,41 7,852,97

519,081,73 68,518,32 129,106,76 44,797,95 64,318,13 49,933,37


France Poland



Source: Author owns elaboration based on Eurostat Database This geographical distribution of the automotive industry in the selected top markets highlights the strategic significance of these regions in shaping the European automotive landscape. Given the substantial economic impact and employment opportunities associated with the automotive sector, it becomes imperative to underscore the role of employee development within this crucial employment sector. By aligning employee development programs with the SMART approach, the automotive industry in these top markets can not only enhance the proficiency of their


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