3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

The contemporary development process incorporates diverse models that offer extensive possibilities to concentrate on specific activities and assess the ultimate outcomes of training initiatives (Cady et al., 2018; Abdurrahman et al., 2022). Various methodologies, such as the Kirkpatrick model, Merrill’s Principles of Instructions, and Phillips ROI evaluation models, concentrate on a nuanced understanding of the training process, aiming to enhance its efficiency and evaluation (Cady et al., 2018; Badali et al., 2020). Nevertheless, it remains crucial to approach the employee development process with a structured methodology, emphasizing a step-by-step conceptualization. For these purposes, leveraging the well-known SMART principle integrated within the employee training and development environment is feasible. The SMART approach, encompassing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound criteria, is extensively employed across diverse industries. The infusion of Industry 4.0 technologies has ushered in notable progress in intelligent automation within the automotive sector. The automotive industry has prominently spearheaded investments in smart factories, emphasizing intelligent automation within manufacturing processes and car assembly (Karabegović et al., 2021). The SMART approach is progressively gaining traction in human resources and people development processes to augment efficiency and productivity and foster employee growth. As emphasized by Girish et al. (2022), smart working can potentially elevate employees’ self-efficacy, consequently enhancing job satisfaction. Likewise, the implementation of SMART HR 4.0, as elucidated by Sivathanu and Pillai (2018), disrupts conventional HR processes, encompassing talent development, by integrating emerging technologies to propel employee growth and engagement. For these reasons, the integration of the SMART approach into the employee development process is indispensable for the success of training activities and holds significant potential for positively influencing the increase in the company’s overall value. 2. Methods of Research Grounded in an exhaustive review of pertinent studies and prior research endeavours, this investigation seeks to provide a systematic overview of the implementation of the SMART conception within the employee development process. A more profound analysis will be undertaken to discern the pertinent steps that can be cultivated through organizational training and development programs. Through the examination and synthesis of existing literature, this study endeavours to furnish valuable insights into the cultivation of SMART training strategies, thereby augmenting the body of knowledge in this domain. Such an approach aims to facilitate a more in-depth exploration of the steps necessary to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the rapidly evolving business landscape. Moreover, this research aspires to shed light on the nuanced intricacies of incorporating SMART principles into the employee development framework. The investigation will delve into the specificities of aligning training objectives with the SMART criteria, emphasizing the importance of setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based goals for employee growth. Ultimately, the outcomes of this study are anticipated to furnish actionable insights for HR practitioners, training professionals,


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