November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version

Write-In Candidates FILING DATES: September 8 through October 20, 2020

Candidates who desire to be a write-in candidate and have his or her name written on the ballot of an election shall fulfill the requirements of Part 3 of Division 8 of the Elections Code, commencing at Section 8600. Write-in candidates must meet all qualifications of the office to which they are seeking the nomination. The name of the qualified write-in candidate is not printed on the ballot. Prospective write‑in candidates should note that write‑in candidacy is possible only if the office appears on the ballot. Statement of Write-In Candidacy Between September 8 and October 20, 2020, anyone seeking to be a write-in candidate for any office appearing on the ballot must file a Statement of Write-In Candidacy . The elections official provides the form during the official write-in filing period. The Statement of Write-In Candidacy shall contain the following information: • candidate’s name • candidate’s complete residence address • a declaration stating that the candidate is a write-in candidate • the name of the office for which the candidate is running, and • the date of the election • for offices of Judge of the Superior Court, a statement that the candidate meets the statutory and constitutional requirements. Elections Code § 8600 Nomination Papers Between September 8 and October 20, 2020, a candidate seeking elective office that requires nomination signers must circulate a petition to collect required signatures and file them for examination with the county elections official of the county in which the signers reside. Elections Code § 8601 The required numbers of signers to a write-in candidate’s nomination paper for the respective offices are as follows: • Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District: 50 signatures • Santa Clara Valley Water District: 20 signatures • Judge of the Superior Court: 20 signatures Elections Code §8062 Judicial Unopposed Candidate Write-in Requirements There are specific conditions for placing unopposed judicial candidates on the ballot with a write-in campaign. Pursuant to Elections Code § 8203: (a) In any county in which only the incumbent has filed nomination papers for the office of superior court judge, his or her name shall not appear on the ballot unless there is filed with the elections official, within 10 days after the final date for filing nomination papers for the office, a petition


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