November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version

indicating that a write-in campaign will be conducted for the office and signed by at least 0.1 percent of the registered voters qualified to vote with respect to the office, provided that the petition shall contain at least 100 signatures but need not contain more than 600 signatures. (b) If a petition indicating that a write-in campaign will be conducted for the office at the general election, signed by the number of registered voters qualified to vote with respect to the office specified in subdivision (a), is filed with the elections official not less than 83 days before the general election, the name of the incumbent shall be placed on the general election ballot if it has not appeared on the direct primary election ballot. (c) If, in conformity with this section, the name of the incumbent does not appear either on the primary ballot or general election ballot, the elections official, on the day of the general election, shall declare the incumbent reelected. Voter-nominated Offices Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person may not be a write-in candidate at the general election for a voter-nominated office such as: U.S. Representative in Congress; State Senate; and State Assembly. Elections Code § 8600 Filing Fee No fee or charge shall be required of a write-in candidate. Elections Code § 8604 Roster of Qualified Write-in Candidates For each election, the Office of the Registrar of Voters will post a list of qualified write-in candidates for offices appearing on the ballot in the County. Once the filing period closes, the Secretary of State will prepare a certified list of write-in candidates, and the City Clerk of each respective City will provide the certified list of write-in candidates for their City. The County will combine all write-in candidates onto one list. A link will be available on the current election webpage. When and How Votes are Tabulated and Reported Following Election Day and during the official canvass of the vote, the elections official will manually tally and report all votes cast for qualified write-in candidates. Votes tallied for write-in candidates are not reflected in the Election Night report, nor in the updated reports the County releases in the days and weeks following. Rather, this information is available at the time certification of the election has been completed. Write-in votes are not tallied at the same time as votes for qualified candidates who have their names printed on the ballot. Instead, these votes must be manually reviewed to ensure the name of the person written in on the ballot is qualified to have votes counted, and that the name is written under the correct candidate contest. Write-in votes are tallied by hand under the provisions of Article 7, of Chapter 1, of Division 7, in Title 2 of the California Administrative Code of Regulations. See Sections 20100 – 20105.


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