November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version

Campaign Finance Disclosure Information The Political Reform Act of 1974 requires candidates to file campaign statements disclosing contributions received and expenditures made. The statutory requirements of the Political Reform Act are contained in §§ 81000 through 91014 of the California Government Code. Manuals and forms relating to campaign reporting obligations under the Act may be obtained by visiting the Fair Political Practices Commission’s (FPPC) website at or from your local elections official. IMPORTANT : It is the responsibility of the candidate to review, understand and comply with all campaign disclosure laws, and candidates should consult the manuals produced by the FPPC. While your local filing officer has an obligation to collect, review, and request amendments to your campaign reports, any assistance and information on completing campaign statements should be obtained from the Technical Assistance Division of FPPC by calling (916) 322-5660, (866) 275-3772 or visiting their website at This section is for general information only and does not have the effect of law, regulation or rule. This section is not comprehensive and does not detail all filing requirements and obligations. For current comprehensive information, consult a Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) manual or contact the FPPC directly. Local candidates should also review information contained in this guide relating to the county’s ordinance requiring electronic filing of disclosure statements. This form announces the candidate’s intention to run for office and the desire to collect or spend campaign funds. ALL candidates must file this form prior to solicitation or receipt of any contribution, or expenditure of any personal funds used for the election. This form is considered filed the date it is post-marked, or hand-delivered to the filing officer (for county, school and special district offices, this is the Office of the Registrar of Voters; for candidates for city office, your filing official is the city clerk). A local candidate will complete sections 1 and 3 and state legislative candidates will complete sections 1, 2 and 3. An unsigned statement is not considered filed. You must file a separate Form 501 for each election. A list of Form 501 statements filed in association with local contests can be found by visiting, using the Candidate and Measures drop- down menu and choosing the applicable election information page. Government Code § 85200 Form 470 Officeholder and Candidate Campaign Statement (Short Form) Candidates who do not anticipate spending or receiving $2,000 or more during the calendar year, and do not have a controlled committee, are required to file this form. CANDIDATES WHO ANTICIPATE SPENDING OR RECEIVING LESS THAN $2,000 Form 501 Candidate Intention Statement


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