November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version

Form 470 Supplement A candidate who has filed a Form 470 and then subsequently receives contributions (monetary or non-monetary contributions, loans, and personal funds), or makes expenditures, totaling $2,000 or more, is required to file the Form 470 Supplement, within 48 hours, with the Office of the Registrar of Voters (or city clerk, in the case of candidates for city offices) and the Office of the Secretary of State. Candidates must also send this 470 Supplement to each candidate seeking the same office. Regular mail may not be used. Send by fax, guaranteed overnight delivery or personal delivery. The candidate must also file a Form 410 Statement of Organization within 10 days of receiving $2,000 in contributions. CANDIDATES WHO ANTICIPATE SPENDING OR RECEIVING MORE THAN $2,000 Form 501 Candidate Intention Statement – Please see previous page. Form 410 Statement of Organization This form must be filed with the Secretary of State’s Political Reform Division (original) and with the Office of the Registrar of Voters (copy), within 10 days of receiving $2,000 or more in contributions or making $2,000 or more in expenditures. The term “contribution” includes monetary payments, loans and non-monetary goods or services. Important : You will need to establish a campaign contribution account at any financial institution located in California before you can complete the Form 410.  All contributions or loans made to the candidate, to a person on behalf of the candidate, or to the candidate’s controlled committee shall be deposited in the account.  Any personal funds, which will be utilized to promote the election of the candidate, shall be deposited in the account prior to expenditure.  All campaign expenditures shall be made from this account. * Government Code § 85201 * Exception: This does not apply to a candidate’s payment of a filing fee and/or statement of qualifications if paid from his/her personal funds. The Secretary of State issues committee ID numbers to all committees who file this form. The committee ID number must be included on all subsequent disclosure filings. A Form 410 may be filed prior to the receipt of $2,000 in order to obtain an ID number and/or to submit bank account information. If you do so, you must file a Form 410 Amendment within ten days of receiving or spending $2,000 or more. When you file this amendment, you must indicate the date you “qualified” as a committee, which is the date you received $2,000 or more. Each time you change any information listed on a previously filed Form 410, such as addresses or treasurer, you must file a Form 410 Amendment . All amended forms must be filed with both the Secretary of State/Political Reform Division and the Office of the Registrar of Voters (or local filing officer). The Form 410 is also used to terminate your committee upon fulfilling all applicable requirements. Important : Campaign filing obligations continue until the committee is terminated.


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