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F E A T U R E S 8 A Graduation Address to FBI NA #277 – Angela Hawkins 10 Expanding the FBINAA Networking Reach – John Blackledge 12 Intelligence-Led Policing 14 Networking to Make our Communities Safer – Rob Moser
C O L U M N S 4 Association Perspective 5 National Office Update 7 Chapter Chat 16 Historian’s Spotlight
18 A Message from Our Chaplain 20 FBINAA Charitable Foundation 22 Staying On the Yellow Brick Road
E A C H I S S U E 6 Strategic / Academic Alliances
A D I N D E X – AMU 21 5.11 23 CRI-TAC – JFCU
EXECUTIVE BOARD Association President, Section I / KEVIN WINGERSON Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Dept. (TX), kwingerson@fbinaa.org
Representative, Section IV / BILL CARBONE Lieutenant, New York City Police Department (NY), bcarbone@fbinaa.org
Representative, Section I / JIM GALLAGHER Commander, Phoenix Police Department (AZ), jgallagher@fbinaa.org
Past President / JOHNNIE ADAMS Chief, Santa Monica College (CA), jadams@fbinaa.org
Chaplain / JEFF KRUITHOFF Chief, City of Springboro (OH), jkruithoff@fbinaa.org
1st Vice President, Section III / JOE HELLEBRAND Chief, Brevard County Sheriff’s Office (FL), jhellebrand@fbinaa.org
Historian / CINDY REED Washington State Gambling Commission (ret.) creed@fbinaa.org
2nd Vice President, Section IV / KEN TRUVER Chief, Borough of Castle Shannon (PA), ktruver@fbinaa.org
FBI Assistant Director / RENAE MCDERMOTT FBI Training Division (VA)
3rd Vice President, Section I / TIM BRANIFF Undersheriff, Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (WA), tbraniff@fbinaa.org Representative, Section II / SCOTT RHOAD Chief/Director of Public Safety, University of Central Missouri (MO), srhoad@fbinaa.org Representative, Section III / GRADY SANFORD Chief Deputy, Forsyth County Sheriff's Office (GA), gsanford@fbinaa.org
Executive Director / HOWARD COOK FBINAA, Inc. National Office (VA), hcook@fbinaa.org
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September/October 2019 | Volume 21/Number 5 The National Academy Associate is a publication of the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.
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Howard Cook / Executive Director, Managing Editor Suzy Kelly / Editor
© Copyright 2019, the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without express written permission is strictly prohibited.
The National Academy Associate is published bi-monthly by the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., National Office, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135.
Get your job posting in front of the strongest law enforcement leadership network in the world. FBI National Academy Associate members are active in our network, engaged in their careers, and open to new opportunities. Our network gives you the opportunity to reach senior law enforcement executives with an abundance of talent and experience. Our NEW Job Posting Board allows you to match your organization's position to the most qualified profession- als in the industry. REACH QUALIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES TO JOIN YOUR TEAM
The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization and is not part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or acting on the FBI’s behalf. Email editorial submissions to Suzy Kelly: skelly@fbinaa.org. Submissions may vary in length from 500-2000 words, and shall not be submitted simultaneously to other publications. Email Chapter Chat submissions to Susan Naragon: snaragon@fbinaa.org by the 1st of every even month. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., the Executive Board and the editors of the National Academy Associate neither endorse nor guarantee completeness or accuracy of material used that is obtained from sources considered reliable, nor accept liability resulting from the adoption or use of any methods, procedures, recommendations, or statements recommended or implied.
Photographs are obtained from stock for enhancement of editorial content, but do not necessarily represent the editorial content within.
On the Cover: John Neal poses with the NA Seal during the 2019 Chapter Leadership Summit. John gives back to the Association by representing his Chapter as immediate Past President of the MS Chapter.
To learn more about the FBINAA Job Posting Board, visit www.fbinaa.org .
Kevin Wingerson
578 Known Suicides...
F rom January 1, 2016 through June 31, 2019, reported from data collected by Blue H.E.L.P. founded by Karen Solomon, a nonprofit organization that tracts law enforcement suicides. Nationwide, it is reported that suicides are up 24% this year over last. In 2018, there were more law enforcement suicides, for the third straight year, than line-of-duty deaths and over the same pe- riod in 2018, law enforcement suicides totaled 92. This year alone, New York City had seven officers who have died from suicide. This is not anyone’s favorite topic to read about and like most, are familiar with the Below 100 Project and its goal of re- ducing the number of police officer line-of-duty deaths (LODDS) to less than 100 with the mission focusing on five simple core officer-safety tenets: • Wear your vest (body armor and high-vis) • Watch your speed • Wear your (seat) belt Your FBI National Academy Associates fully supports the Below 100 Project, however, we are also committed to increase awareness and provide resources that law enforcement agencies can use to advance resiliency, and to develop solutions to the systemic concerns about the safety and wellness of our officers and their families. Why does an officer choose to take their own life? No one understands, but experts recommend implemen- tation of mental and physical wellness programs, employee assistance programs (EAP) and peer support systems. Your FBINAA provides a resource, the Comprehensive Of- ficer Resilience Program ℠ as another resource. The rest of this article is a detailed outline of the program. For those who are familiar with the program or who have reviewed it in the past, please take the time to reacquaint yourself with the program. For those who have been hearing conversations about the program but have not had an in-depth look, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself. The program is there for you and your organization as a resource. We all want to make an impact on the wellness of our officers and their families. OFFICER RESILIENCY The FBINAA seeks to save lives, families, and careers of po- lice officers around the globe. To fulfill that goal, a select group of members of the FBINAA attended training in May 2017 at the Joint Services Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX, to become certi- fied Master Resiliency Trainers. These participants were trained in a model first developed by the United States Air Force and were charged to grow the program via train-the-trainer courses throughout the country. The program includes the fundamental principles of the USAF’s program and has been adapted for use for law enforcement and public safety agencies. FOUNDATION FOR THE TRAINING The Comprehensive Officer Resilience Program ℠ is made up of domains and tenets. The domains, the tenets, and the definitions were created by subject matter experts in academia, the USAF, and law enforcement. The four domains are the areas of a person’s life that capture the totality of how they experience and relate to others • WIN – What’s Important Now? • Remember: Complacency Kills!
and themselves and being fit across the four domains will lead to a more resilient individual. These tenets are the key characteristics in an individual that foster resilience. The tenets include: • Mental – the ability to effectively cope with unique mental stressors and challenges • Physical – the ability to adopt and sustain healthy behaviors needed to enhance health and wellbeing • Social – the ability to engage in healthy social networks that promote overall wellbeing and optimal performance • Spiritual – the ability to strengthen a set of beliefs, principles, or values that sustain an individual’s sense of wellbeing and purpose A key component to a comprehensively fit officer is resil- ience. People are not born resilient; they learn to be resilient through life experiences. Resilience training builds resilience and improves it in those that are already considered to be resilient. Research by the University of Pennsylvania and other academic forums have determined that resilient people are not as negatively impacted by adverse events, and when they do experience an ad- verse event, they recover faster and are more likely to experience post-event growth. Even without an adverse event, the positive effects of this training are a win-win: it’s just a matter of degree. This training helps reshape officer’s thinking. It helps them to look at the world, yourselves, and events they experience in a different way. Empha- sizing the positive and their strengths rather than their weaknesses. With the support of the Motorola Solutions Foundation , the FBINAA provides its Comprehensive Officer Resiliency Train-the- Trainer Program ℠ to law enforcement professionals around the country. The continued support of the Motorola Solutions Foun- dation has provided the support needed as the Comprehensive Officer Resiliency Train-the-Trainer Program ℠ continues to grow rapidly having certified over 370 trainers since 2017. To learn more about how the FBINAA’s Comprehensive Officer Resilience Program ℠ and upcoming Comprehensive Officer Resilience Train-the-Trainer Program℠ dates, please visit www.fbinaa.org.
Kevin Wingerson, President FBINAA Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Deptartment
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Howard Cook
T his issue of the FBINAA Associ- ate magazine focuses on the power of our network. As with any network, the driving force lies in its members. Our members total over an impressive 16,000. We have 48 Chapters around the world, which also includes four Sections. Yet, as impressive as these numbers are, the most impactful number lies in the power of one. That number, of course, represents the individual, our member. And that’s where our foundation starts and is strongest.
In this issue, you’ll read about the amazing impact of what the efforts of an individual member can do. You’ll read how each mem- ber has strengthened our organization by building relationships with others to enhance contributions to the law enforcement pro- fession, individual careers and aided in bringing criminals to justice. There are numerous stories of what the power of this incredible network has done. You’ll also read in our Historian Spotlight the amazing contribution of a past graduate whose impact continues to benefit us today and in years to come. Please continue to share your success stories with us. Any organization is only as strong as the individuals that make up that organization and that is what makes our foundation solid and strong. As your Executive Director, it is my privilege to share these stories with you.
To LEARN MORE about this Program, please visit www.fbinaa.org.
Howard M. Cook FBINAA Executive Director FBINA #224
For additional information, contact John Kennedy at jkennedy@fbinaa.org.
Liberty University 800.424.9595 | liberty.edu/FBINAA PLATINUM ACADEMIC ALLIANCES
5.11 TACTICAL SERIES 209.527.4511 | 511tactical.com JUSTICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 800.550.JFCU | jfcu.org VERIZON WIRELESS 800.295.1614 | verizonwireless.com
Saint Leo University 813.310.4365 | saintleo.edu
University of San Diego 619.260.4573 | sandiego.edu/fbina
American Military University 703.396.6437 | PublicSafetyatAMU.com
ecoATM 858.324.4111 | ecoatm.com AXON 800.978.2737 | axon.com
Bethel University 855.202.6385 | BethelSuccess.net
Columbia College 803.786.3582 | columbiacollegesc.edu
University of Oklahoma 800.522.4389 | pacs.ou.edu
University of New Hampshire 603.513.5144 | law.unh.edu
3SI SECURITY SYSTEMS 610.280.2000 | 3sisecurity.com ACADIA HEALTHCARE 855.526.8228 | acadiahealthcare.com PANASONIC 610.326.7476 | us/panasonic.com/toughbook POINT BLANK 888.245.6344 | pointblankenterprises.com CELLEBRITE | cellebrite.com FIRST TACTICAL 855.665.3410 | firsttactical.com LEXISNEXIS | solutions.lexisnexis.com/IDCFBINAA FIRSTNET BUILT WITH AT&T 321.318.7100 | firstnet.com NICE 551.256.5000 | nice.com FORUM DIRECT 855.88.FORUM | forum-direct.com GUIDEHOUSE | guidehouse.com UPS 404.828.6000 | ups.com
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Anderson University 864.231.2000 | andersonuniversity.edu
California University of Pennsylvania 724.938.4000 | calu.edu/golegalstudies
Columbia Southern University 800.977.8449 | columbiasouthern.edu
Faulkner University 800.879.9816 | faulkner.edu
Northcentral University 844.628.8943 | ncu.edu/fbinaa
GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES 800.573.5950 guardianalliancetechnologies.com LEADSONLINE 800.311.2656 | leadsonline.com CENTRAL SQUARE 800.727.8088 | centralsquare.com CODY SYSTEMS 610.326.7476 | codysystems.com VIRTUAL ACADEMY 844.381.2134 | v-academy.com
Trident University 714.816.0366 x2019 | Trident.edu/FBINAA
Upper Iowa University (888) 877-3742 | uiu.edu/fbinaa
Wilmington University 302.356.6766 | wilmu.edu
NATIONWIDE 877.669.6877 | nationwide.com
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CHAPTER CHAT The intent of this column is to announce Promotions, Retirements and Deaths for the Chapters. Please find expanded Chapter Chat on our website www.fbinaa.org under the current Associate Magazine issue to stay up-to-date on what's happening in our 48 Chapters. Submit chapter news on the Chapter Chat Submission Form by the 1st of every even month. Please attach to the email high-resolution digital .jpg or .tif photos to: Susan Naragon | snaragon@fbinaa.org.
RETIREMENTS n Chief Terry Zeigler , NA Session 238, retired from the Kansas City, KS Police Department on October 1, 2019 with nearly 29 years of service. MARYLAND/DELAWARE RETIREMENTS n Lieutenant Colonel Monroe Hudson , NA Session 219, retired on July 23, 2019. He was a Past President of the Maryland/Delaware Chapter of the FBINAA. Lieutenant Colonel Hudson has been appointed as the Deputy Commissioner of the Delaware Department of Correction. Hudson assumed this new position on August 19, 2019. WASHINGTON PROMOTIONS n Mike Harden , NA Session 273, was promoted to the Chief for Lake Forest Park PD. Previous Chief Steve Sutton, NA Session 239,is in the process of preparing for an RV trip across the US to visit all the National Parks to celebrate his retirement. n John Vincent , NA Session 226, became the assistant vice president for campus and community safety within UW Student Life in May. He previously served as the UWPD Chief. RETIREMENTS n Dan Phillips , NA Session 195, retired as a military criminal investi- gator after 23 years of service. He joined the federal service right after 9/11 and served 16 years working in the security and counterintel- ligence fields. Today he works for a major defense contractor. Dan serves as the LEOSA program Chair for the Washington state Fra- ternal Order of Police. n Jeff Parks , NA Session 209, retired fromWhatcom County Sheriff’s office as of June 1. n Kristi Wilson , NA Session 251, retired from Redmond Police as of June 7. n Dan Ritchie , NA Session 180, retired April 30th 2017 after 40 years and 5 months. He reported “I was retired for 7 months and got bored. BNSF Police were looking for a Canadian Special Agent so out of retire- ment I came and have been with them for the last 18 months.” n Dave Pimentel , NA Session 230, has retired from the Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office. n Travis Adams , NA Session 267, is retiring from the US Navy. Future plans unknown at this time. n George Delgado , NA Session 227, retired after 29 years of public service on July 15th. George began his law enforcement career with California Highway Patrol in 1989 then joined Vancouver PD in 1995 rising to the rank of commander. He became Des Moines PD Chief in 2012. In 2018, he became the Director of Emergency Manager for the City of Des Moines. George served as 2013 WA Chapter President and is Section 1 Rep & Secretary for the FBINAA Charitable Foundation. PASSINGS n David Renzelman , NA Session 97, (1974) passed away April 2016 at the age of 76. n Larry Hively , NA Session 97, (1974) died on Dec. 25, 2018 in Wenatchee. n Jerry Burk , NA Session 98, (1974) and 1981 past president of the WA chapter FBINAA died on June 17 ,2019. n Jerry Gardner , NA Session 103, (1975) passed away peacefully in his sleep in July 2019 at the age of 78. n Robert Torgerson , NA Session 232, passed away April 20th, 2019 in Tucson, AZ where he had moved after his retirement in July 2017 after 13 years as the Chief of Aberdeen PD.
n Assistant Chief Angel Carbajal , NA Session 216, retired from the Tempe Police Department to enter a new career in corporate security. We wish him all the best. PASSINGS n Retired Mesa Police Assistant Chief Mike Whalen , NA Session 161, passed away in June after a long battle with cancer. Assistant Chief Whalen started his career in 1971 and served the Mesa Police Depart- ment for over 28 years. After his retirement in 1999, he was elected to the Mesa City Council where he served from 2000 to 2008. n Thomas “Mike” Jahn , NA Session 150, also passed away in June after a short battle with cancer. He began his law enforcement career with the Phoenix (AZ) Police Department in 1976, where he worked his way through the ranks to Commander. In 1996, he accepted the posi- tion of Chief in his hometown of Midwest City, Oklahoma. He served as their Chief of Police until 1999, when he relocated to Sunrise, Florida and served as a Police Major from 1999-2002. n Retired Special Agent In Charge James F. Ahern passed away in July. James served as the Special Agent In Charge of the Phoenix Of- fice from 1989 to 1995. n Cathy Madalone , NA Session 259, was recently sworn in as Chief of Police for Pacific Grove. Cathy is a transfer from the New Jersey Chapter. Congratulations Cathy. RETIREMENTS n Chief Ken Tanaka , NA Session 228, retired fromWest Valley-Mission Community College District. Ken is a Past President of the California Chapter and an active member. We wish him well on his next journey n Chief Mike Sellers , NA Session 237, retired from Santa Clara Police Department. Congratulations Mike! n Captain Kurt Clarke , NA Session 265, also retired from the Santa Clara Police Department and is headed to a new role in the private sector. n Chief of Public Safety Adan Tejada , NA Session 228, retired in June from St. Mary’s College of California. PASSINGS n James Kerrigan , NA Session 254, San Francisco D.A’s Office, passed away on September 21st, 2019. James was a 3rd generation law en- forcement officer, his father had retired from the San Francisco PD and his grandfather from the San Francisco S.O. n John Kerrigan (Father of James), NA Session 77, San Francisco Police Department (Ret.), passed away in December, 2003. FLORIDA PROMOTIONS n Matthew Monaco , NA Session 252, Vero Beach Police Department, was promoted to Captain. KANSAS/WESTERN MISSOURI PROMOTIONS n Jim Martin , NA Session 260, who retired from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office in Lawrence, Kansas and was named as the Chief of Police for the City of Glenpool, Oklahoma in September 2019. We wish him the best! CALIFORNIA PROMOTIONS
Thank you Director, platform party, classmates, and a very special and sincere thank you to the guests here this morning. While your loved one, friend, co-worker has been away for 10 weeks, you have picked up the slack in their absence. For some of you, that was an incredible task. On the other hand, for some of you, while you took care of kids, pets, bills, the house and your own work, it may not have felt like anything out of the ordinary. You know who you are.
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R egardless, thank you on behalf of Session 277 for the struggles you endured over these two and a half months. We would not have been successful here without your unconditional love and support. Also, I want to thank my session mates, for electing a millennial as your spokesperson. If you’re shocked by that, keep in mind I’m a police officer. The stress makes me look 52, but I’m only 34. There are so many stories I want to tell you about who we are, as a Session. Some I will, and, for the preservation of what little dignity we may have left, some I will not. I considered start- ing by calling everyone out by name, which wouldn’t take very long because at times it’s felt like almost every man’s name is Carl, Josh, Jim, Dave, Tom, Tim, John, Jason, Mike, or Sean, and almost every woman’s name is Kelly, Kristen, Kristine, Crystal, or Connie. There were many suggestions about what should be ad- dressed in this speech, like giving a shout-out to my back up danc- ers, karaoke partners, reminding my friends to fix their face, or any number of ridiculous and traumatic moments in PT wherein we were assaulted not only by our PT instructors… but by whatever was left on the mats by the class before us. To be clear, I’m not re- ferring to how hard they worked and “left everything on the mats”. I’m referring to dirt, sweat, blood… and hair. It’s a miracle no one here got ring worm. One of the fit challenges did stand out, and that was the “Winged Monkey Assault”. We were allowed to create our own groups to run through the exercise. As we went through, I couldn’t help but hear loud voices counting off in unison toward the middle of the track. There was a sizeable group calling out repeti- tions in cadence. The man in the middle, leading the exercise, was a Marine. There seemed to be several former and active service mem- bers in this group, and I thought, well that must be the military group. I was in the “can barely breathe group. As I rounded the track with my group, later in the challenge, another Marine was organizing the military group – as I called it – on the track, in proper lanes, to run in cadence and he yelled with grit, “We finish together!” It gave me chills then, and gives me chills today… as we fin- ish together. It doesn’t matter what country you are from, please stand if you are or were a member of the military, and please – everyone - join me in thanking them for their service. Another thank you to our international students who have come frommore than 30 countries to join us in this adventure, and who have taught us so much about their countries, cultures, and practices. You’ve also taught us a great deal about our own culture, which was a perspective valuable to all of us as Ameri- cans. Except for you, Canada. You’re one of us… Thank you for your contributions, your talent, your compassion, and your patience. We are all better for having shared this experience with you. International students please stand and accept our gratitude. Also, everyone here should know – if you don’t already – and should recognize – if you haven’t already – we have a record holder in the house. At a five minute and two second mile, direct from Session 277’s Section 1, the new record holder for the fastest National Academy mile time, from New York State Police, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Lt. Colin Sweeney! Colin broke the previous record of 5:08.
He had impeccable form and as we all watched in awe as he ran… suddenly I realized I’ve been running all wrong. So later I copied him, mimicked his form, and I ran like a gazelle for as long and as fast as I could. And for those three seconds, I felt like a true runner. So thank you for that moment. We have been told that the NA – which officially stands for National Academy – actually has a secret second meaning of Nev- er Again. For those of you who’ve heard me talk about St. Louis, perhaps you’ll Never Again visit there… unarmed. And for some of us that means that we will Never Again have to run a timed mile… I’ll be honest – that’s me. In all seriousness, the NA that stands for Never Again is a direct reference to the experiences we’ve shared here in which many of us will Never Again have the opportunity to participate. One such experience stood out to me, and touched me so deeply, I’m compelled to share it with you. On August 11, those of us who took the trip to New York were granted access to the Freedom Tower and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in Manhattan. Never Again will we be given private access to an unfinished floor of the Freedom Tower and hear first-hand accounts from Port Authority Officers of the horrifying events of September 11. Never Again will we have the opportunity to skip the lines of people waiting for admission to the sacred underground museum whose relics and stories bring us right back to that beautiful September morning in 2001. I mentioned already that I’m a millennial. That means dif- ferent things to different people, but I want to assure you I’m an elder millennial and that should garner a tad more respect. I know how to manually roll down a car window, I’m adept at using a rotary telephone, I drive a manual transmission, and for a brief moment in my childhood I knew the use of a phone book and a road map. So long as Google exists, however, Never Again will I use either a phone book or a road map. Never Again. Aside from those things, it also means that on September 11, 2001 I was in my Junior year of high school. As we finished in gym class, we heard over the radio that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers in New York. And as I say this, all of you are likely recalling where you were that morning. Many of my classmates sitting in this room today were already on the job. Many of them responded for rescue. Many responded on recovery missions. Many of them lost friends and family on that day. Many of them are still losing friends and family as a result of 9/11. What did we say as a nation after 9/11? Never Again. Never Again did we want to experience the unimaginable horror of that day, a day that changed our nation – and the world – forever. Never Again could we allow it. It was a somber walk through the halls of the museum. It was chilling to see – in person – destroyed fire trucks, to hear – from voicemails – the voices of some who had lost their lives, and it awakened a raging pride within me to be able to honor the first responders who lost their lives that day. Never Again would they go home. Never Again would they see their children, their spouses, their parents. Never Again would they be called upon to serve here on this earth.
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The single most defining term descriptive of the FBI National Academy Associates is NETWORKING . It was the primary reason the FBI created the National Academy. It is the lifeblood of our existence today. As a young city police officer at Palm Bay Police Depart- ment (FL) in the early 1980s, I was laden with this term constantly—probably because it did not describe my natural modus operandi at the time. I was the ultimate lone wolf, running and gunning, making arrests, creating stats and, unfortunately, not in focus with the full mission of public service. Sound familiar? NETWORKING and the FBINAA
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I was, in significant part, mentored in this profession by Doug Muldoon , Past President of the FBINAA. Doug personified the word NETWORKING throughout his career. Even prior to his attending the FBI NA, Doug was always connecting with others through community organizations and making business contacts long before community policing was a word. As Doug and I grew through various phases of supervision and command, he was always pushing NETWORKING. Not me, “Sorry, got a bad guy to catch today.” We even joked about Doug NETWORKING during our daily lunch break. We used to place bets on how long it would take for him to sit down at the restaurant. It was not until I was at executive staff level and “sent” to the FBI NA that I finally got it. What can I say? I’m a little dense sometimes. The joke was on me. Today, I’m the ultimate convert. I can attest that NETWORKING changed my profession, my career and my life. EXPANDING THE NETWORKING REACH At the 2019 Chapter Leadership Summit in March, our Execu- tive Board did an exceptional job of expanding the NETWORKING reach by inviting the FBINAA Alliance Partners to the Academy. Under the leadership of then President Johnnie Adams and Executive Director Howard Cook , and initiated and coordinated by Greg Guiton , our Director of Strategic Partnerships, they provided the perfect environment to enhance the partnership and com- munication between the Association and these business partners. My employer, Bansbach Tactical , participated in the day-long presentation and tour of the Academy in Quantico, even though our business niche is way outside the realm of law enforcement. We saw this as a B2B (business-to-business) opportunity, expand-
ing our NETWORKING reach.
As FBINAA members, we know that without the Alliance Partners--the vendor businesses that service the law enforcement community--we likely would not be the successful organization we are today. Our partners’ financial support of the FBINAA is essen- tial at the Chapter, National and International levels. Likely, many of our re-trainer conferences and other gatherings that facilitate the NETWORKING function would cease to exist in its present form were it not for their sponsorships and participation as exhibitors. For that, we should be appreciative and grateful. For some mem- bers, it becomes their next career and they remain active NAA members. While this has been the perfect symbiotic relationship, can we do more? Has the forest we’ve been walking, grown into a larger, more diverse terrain in 2019? I offer this analogy because not only is it illustrative of the growth the policing business has experienced, expanding far beyond any model most of us grew up with, but so is the opportunity for the FBINAA to expand its reach into the future. CHANGING THE VISION OF THE FUTURE Last year my wife, also a NA grad and an Area Rep for the Florida Chapter, and I decided to both retire from full-time police work after a combined 70 years on the job. While we remain loosely connected through serving as reserve officers and con- tinue memberships in various related organizations, I sense a
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INTELLIGENCE-LED POLICING STARTS WITH AN INTELLIGENT RMS Learn how three FBINAA graduates have used their RMS system to make their agencies smarter, more proactive, and more intelligence-led In the 21st Century, intelligence underpins the daily actions of every local and county law enforcement organization. For most local law enforcement agencies, the primary source of information to help make informed decisions is the agency's own records management sys- tem (RMS). But, nearly two full decades into the 21st Century, many local law enforcement agencies are still struggling with RMS systems that have not ‘kept up with the times’.
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W hile they may do an adequate job of producing required reports and statistics, these legacy RMS systems lock the information - and the intelligence it can generate - away from the very people who provide that information in the first place, and who rely on it to do their job. With the focus of this issue of the FBINAA Associate Magazine on Intelligence, the chiefs and other command staff from three police departments - all past or future Academy participants - de- scribe how their RMS has helped them become and remain truly intelligence-led law enforcement agencies. GETTING GOOD DATA; CAPTURING THE RIGHT DATA Being able to get good intelligence out means first putting good data in. Whether in the patrol car on scene or in the office, it starts with patrol completing incident reports thoroughly and accurately. The need for this will come into even more sharp focus as agencies across the country begin to transition from summary reporting to the more robust data needs of National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) . Upper Moreland (PA) Police Department Chief Michael Murphy (FBINAA 183) stresses the need to "take time to make sure it's good information. The results will benefit you later when you want to mine that data." That means making data entry simple and efficient, elimi- nating redundant data entry, and not requiring a user to jump back and forth between multiple screens. By incorporating all of the data elements the system needs for an incident report into a single, logically organized screen, for example, the intelligent RMS can save the officer time and eliminate the frustration which might result in potentially-critical information not being entered. With the right data, the RMS will automatically open an incident report and populate and update all of the relevant system records, including master name, vehicle and property - all without user in-
tervention – and will create links between these entities to inform investigations later on. Chief Ken Truver (FBINAA 225) and Lieutenant Brian McKe- own (FBINAA 264) of the Castle Shannon (PA) Police Department both emphasize how important it is to have the intelligent RMS capture the right data in the first place. Case in point: with an increase in theft of motor vehicles a few years ago, the depart- ment wanted to be able to track those more carefully. By creating a new ‘incident type’ code and adding a ‘theft of auto’ to the drop down box list of incident types, a simple click now captures that information for future search and reporting. "I can quickly go back over the last year and pull up every theft of a motor vehicle," says Chief Truver. Users of the CODY Systems’ RMS Anywhere , Chief Truver and users at the department enjoy the ability to modify the system this way on their own rather than having to contract a vendor for these changes. CODY RMS "is highly tailorable to the specific agency and its needs," adds Lieutenant McKeown. "That's what I like." The intelligent RMS will also eliminate duplicate data entry wherever possible. After a traffic accident, says Chief Truver, "we used to have to do two separate reports - one for the state crash and citation system and one for the RMS." However, CODY built an interface between these two systems so "now it's one-stop," with data entered once in our RMS and the relevant data automatically sent to the state. That's what technology is supposed to do, Chief Truver believes. "If it's not easier for my staff, I'm not interested." DATA TRANSFORMED INTO ACTIONABLE INTEL While ease of data entry is certainly a key first step, the real ‘magic’ of an intelligent RMS is its ability to inherently link any and all of the record data in the system - on persons, addresses and
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Connections. Collaboration. Relationships. NETWORKING. National Academy stu- dents and graduates often use these terms to describe benefits of the experience beyond the 17 hours of college credit earned through the University of Virginia. This story details how building these types of relationships helped bring a violent felon to justice.
I attended the 230th Session of the FBINA in the summer of 2007 and met a Captain from the Virginia Beach Police Department by the name of Mike Ronan . As is usual with most attendees, a core group of five or six developed that included Mike and I. Whether it was evenings at the grove, weekend trips to D.C., or even a getaway to the beach, our group became a network of profession- als who were building lifelong friendships. We graduated later that summer but remained connected through email and later the social media boom. In the spring of 2016, our community, Shawnee, Kansas, ex- perienced a brutal homicide in which the offender was believed to have fled the scene in the victim’s stolen vehicle. Initial investiga- tion led detectives to believe our person of extreme interest had settled in Virginia Beach, some 1200 miles away. I contacted Mike with all known information. Over the course of the next two weeks, encompassing a holiday weekend, information was exchanged as Mike worked diligently with Virginia Beach Police personnel on locating the of- fender. Just one month after this heinous crime, a detective within Mike’s unit located the victim’s stolen vehicle in a Walmart parking lot six miles inland from the beach. After a very brief surveillance of the unoccupied vehicle, the offender in our case emerged from the store, walking to the car, and was subsequently arrested for possession of the victim’s stolen vehicle with homicide charges to follow. As Shawnee detectives prepared to make travel plans for the purpose of follow-up investigation, they were assisted by Virginia Beach personnel in recommending and reserving accommoda- tions in an area unfamiliar to our staff. In addition to the show of hospitality, Mike was sure to note in email communication that, “This apprehension was successful due to both of our depart-
ment’s communication and coordinated efforts!” Communica- tion and coordination that started with a relationship built at the National Academy 9 years earlier. In the winter of 2018, the offender in this case pleaded guilty to premeditated first-degree murder and was issued a life sen- tence without the possibility of parole for 25 years. While I have no doubt the Virginia Beach Police Department would have offered up all resources to assist with our investiga- tion had I never met Mike, I truly believe an extra element of care went into this manhunt as a result of our relationship developed at the National Academy. This apprehension remains a shining example of how the FBI National Academy continues to make our communities safer through avenues of building relationships and networking.
About the Author: Chief Rob Moser began his career as a Shawnee Police Officer in 1992. Throughout his career, Rob has served in various capacities and in all divisions of the Police Department, with an emphasis on criminal interdiction, tactical operations and professional standards. Rob was promoted to the ranks of Sergeant in 1997, Lieutenant in 2001, Captain in 2007 and to Deputy Chief in 2011 where he served until his appointment to Chief of Police in May of 2015.
Prior to his employment with the City, Chief Moser earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from the Uni-
versity of Central Missouri. In 2006, he graduated from UCM with a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration. Chief Moser is a 2007 graduate of the 230th session of the FBI National Academy, and a 2014 graduate of the Shawnee Tomorrow Leader- ship Program. He has been a resident of Shawnee since 1992 and is past President of the Shawnee Rotary Club.
T he National Academy Association recently learned of a bequest from Doyle Bateman , graduate of the 71st Session (1963). Mr. Bateman was hired in 1948 and retired in 1981 with the rank of Lt.-Administrative Assistant to the Chief after serving 33 years with the Waynesboro, VA Police Department. He was also the department’s first plain clothes detective. Mr. Bate- man considered it a high honor to be the second member of the department to be accepted into the Academy and proudly displayed a picture on his office wall shaking hands with Director J. Edgar Hoover . Chief Phil Broadfoot worked with Doyle in Waynesboro PD. Chief Broadfoot stated that he joined in 1973 when all the members of the “greatest generation” were close to retiring. He fondly remembered that Doyle was one of them. A Quiet and Enduring Legacy to The Association
This donation was a welcome surprise to the Association. In doing research for this article, I found it difficult to nail down exactly what was the impetus for this most gracious bequest. It does not appear that Doyle ever served on his chapter’s Execu- tive Board and I was not able to track down any members of his session. (Note: there were only a handful of his session mates who have email address and remain active members of their chapters.) Although he had no heirs, family members related to his wife were interviewed and did not remember any conversa- tions about the National Academy. In many ways, this generous gift reminds me of the quiet librarian or bus driver whose attach- ment to a cause or location is not revealed until the reading of the will after their passing and the endowment to a scholarship or school. We don’t always know the impact of milestones along our life’s journey. Moving forward, now that the Association has been noti- fied of the bequest, the Education & Training Staff and Training Committee have proposed initiatives to begin using the training resources in the 2020 Budget. Upon approval of the budget, one of the key initiatives will be the announcement of the FBINAA’s Chapter Mini-Grant Program providing funding for education and training for domestic and international Chapters. The Chapter Mini-Grant Program will enable the Chapters to provide cutting-
Doyle was short (5’4”) and known as The Bear because he allowed his fingernails to grow long. His hands were referred to as Bear Claws and his office as the Bear Den. Ac- cording to Broadfoot, officers in those days had their own way of doing things and their own challenges in getting the job done. They drove cars with bench seats, so in high pursuit situations, they would have to clutch onto
Sgt. Doyle O. Bateman
the steering wheel whenever they went around a right hand cor- ner so they would not slide too far into the passenger seat side. There were also no hand held radios, so they would have to stop at call boxes downtown to receive and deliver information. There were 35 officers in the uniformed division where Doyle worked. According to Broadfoot, Doyle was involved in one fatality shoot in his career. After retirement, Bateman helped his wife Jane with her real estate business, worked on airplane models and doted on his two Boston terriers. Doyle and his wife Jane did not have any children of their own and only limited contact with various nieces and nephews. Doyle Bateman passed away in 1996. When his wife Jane passed away in January 2017, she inserted language into her will to ensure that a portion of her estate would be donated to the FBI National Academy Associates to be used solely for training. This amount ($250,000) was received at the end of December 2018 and a remaining amount will be received once all the final estate assets are sold. It has been allocated to the Professional Development Fund.
Sgt. Doyle O. Bateman, wife Jane.
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Sgt. Doyle O. Bateman is shown firing the Thompson submachine gun at the FBI Firearms Range.
edged education and training opportunities at the state and local levels through conferences, sem- inars, and other relevant education and training op- portunities. The mini-grant funds can be used to hire consultants and trainers or to defray the cost of training, i.e. audio visual. Grants will fund education and training opportunities, with a maximum award determined by the Execu- tive Board and Training Committee.
The process and online application has been drafted and the program will be announced after the October board meeting at the IACP conference in Chicago.” This bequest to the FBINAA comes at a fortunate time to ensure that all chapters will have the funding to provide the top quality training for which our Association is known. At this time, it is not known if the Chapter Mini-Grants will carry Bateman’s name but all chapters receiving this money should be able to provide important training because of this legacy of Doyle Bateman.
The Chapter Mini-Grant Program applications will be vetted and recommended by the Training Committee. Funding priority will be given to Chapters whose education and training focuses on the top education and training topics that were rated a high priority or somewhat a priority by the membership as rated in the annual education and training needs assessment.
Jeff Kruithoff
F or those of us in the northern part of the United States, Canada and Europe, we have entered the fall season when we see things leave the colorful stage of fall and start to show signs of the coming winter months. For some, this is a favorite time of the year as we leave the heat of summer, and enjoy the cooler days of wear- ing sweaters, jeans and boots, AND FOOTBALL! For other’s we find this time of the year very depressing as we leave the long days of summer fun and activities behind us. The Chaplain article in this issue we will finish our discussion of Service as one of the five areas of concentration in our spiritual walk. We have reviewed Solitude and Scripture previously and will delve into Support and Significant events as we enter 2020. I mentioned in an earlier article about how much I felt taking time deliberately concentrating on serving others has changed my personal and spiritual life. Please do not draw a conclusion that your service needs to be like a part time job. You do not need to spend hours a day or full days in the week to feel the benefit of service. Merely helping someone else in an act of Christian concern with a small task where many hands makes light work can be very beneficial. Particularly if the person you are helping is a person who has not experienced the blessings we have, or is even suffering from the consequences of some poor decisions they have made in their life. In other words, do not look for or expect meaningful benefits from helping a fortune 500 executive. Instead, look for helping the disadvantaged or even damaged persons in your circle of influence. If you choose to serve others to increase meaning in your spiritual life, you will experience two immediate benefits from participating in the service of others. The first is that the service will become a little addicting because you will feel so rewarded. Not in a concrete or material sense, but instead you will experience a humbling emotion of complete fullness when you are finished. Re- member you are participating in service to model how Jesus served others. I.e. Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. I am very blessed in recent years to have observed a great group of people who routinely serve others as volunteers for Sa- maritans Purse. They serve homeowners who have had their homes damaged by disastrous storms at many places around our country. Many of these wonderful people started with just a short period of serving homeowners and felt so benefited by the experience, they now routinely volunteer to serve Samaritans Purse many times a year. I am humbled to see these people, many older than I, mud- ding out a home, tarping a roof, or performing other difficult physi- cal tasks. They continue to serve strangers, in this manner, because the experience can be so rewarding. Many of them call it addictive. The second benefit derived from the regular service of others is that the concept of service will stop being based in obligation and can start to be based on your love of others. Just as Jesus has directed us to love our neighbor as ourselves, we can begin to base our service life on this commandment. Serving Others to Improve Your Spiritual Journey
Ask yourself, do you serve your spouse or family out of obliga- tion or out of love. I would hope that most of us would say out of love. I can say with great confidence that if you engage in the regu- lar service of others, you will being to serve others out of that same place of love rather than a feeling of obligation. It will take time, and you may need to experiment around with different service opportunities, but it is not an elusive or impossible goal. Galatians 5:13, “For you have been called to libert... through love serve one another.” NKJV I remember when my wife first started to serve at our Church. She chose to work with 2 year olds in the Children’s ministry. I was serving on the safety team. One service I walked back to see how she was getting along and she was holding four two year old children. Two were crying hysterical, and the others were clinging to her as if they were terrified. Although I could not help but laugh, my wife had an absolute look of exasperation on her face. Shortly after this experience, she expressed that working with 2 years old children was not her gift and she found another place to serve that she finds much more rewarding. So do not give up if your first effort at serving others does not work out. Keep trying. I am certain you will not be disappointed when you find your place of service. Mark 10:45 – “…for even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” NKJV Thanks to those of you who continue to comment on our Quest for Excellence in our Spiritual life. Solitude, Scripture, Ser- vice, Support, and Significant Events. I appreciate it.
Until next time, God Bless,
Jeff Kruithoff jkruithoff@fbinaa.org | 937.545.0227
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