News Scrapbook 1971-01


SECl 'Rl1,}. Jilf~E1,

~::Z:-:..-~/ ~~o--?'/ Campu;; ~«urfiy pofkemen from throu11.hout the Southland \\ere on hand Saturda) at the Uniwr,,t~ ol San Diego for n meeting ,, I lht A ·w<'iabon. Herc, dist·us,inl( the proj!ram art, from !ell to right, George II . Z,ttcl, t:<-'SD Polil'c; Karl B. Harri . chid of Los Angeles Southt•rn California Campu Sc<·un~y

Commumt) College Poh<·e; Frcderil'k P.

department . 1 1 ranklin.

1u,11 ·c




\liramar College; administrator of



:'ttiramar Coll~e.

Robt>rl \\. Lofkhart, chid of securil\ for USD

and host ol the t·on[cren1·e

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