News Scrapbook 1971-01

T~~-~----· eros test ta NCAA tourn • I ll


USD TRUSTEES MEET: NE PRESIDENT SOON 5 • O•? / Southern Cross Reporter SAN DIEGO - The University of San Dtego may have a new president tomorrow (Friday). A joint meeting of the boards of trustees of the College for Men and the College for Women is being held to make a final selection for president of the new unified university. The search for president has been going on for the past 11 months. A committee, headed by Father William Shipley, chairman of the philosophy depart- ment, has dealt with applications from candidates from all parts of the nation. Two hundred thir ty-eight applications have been screened. The final short list of three will be presented to the joint trustees tomorrow. The new president will take over from Msgr. John E . Baer, who has been president of the university's College for Men for four years, and Sister Nancy Morris, who became president of the women's college five years ago . The unified university, which has been operating as a totally coeducational university for the past two years, includes the former San Diego College for Women, founded and run by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, the USD College for Men flW Law School, founded and operated by the diocese of an Diego.


Love hilled for USD concert .,-. a•·'' Lo ,e In concert is to be Appearrng wffll Lo'Ve and Love h had a CMd of sponsored by the University/Arthur Lee be the &pen- hits such as ''.My Flas on of San Di~o ,\~sociated Stu- cer Davis Group. The con- You," 'Liftlo Red Book," dent.~ at the U D gym, 8 p.m. cert will also introduce Star- "Hey Joe," "Alone Again," 1Iay 28. buck. "Seven and ·Sevien Is," "Or-

anrt r on ,Jum, }l u l 1s 133.75 million fo sehoois anct Prop. 1' lion bend is uc fot coll<'ges.

ange Skies," and many more. Their newest album is "False start." Spencer Davis has been appearing to sell-out ever since he announced "I'm a ·'.Man! " His latest group in- cludes Peter Jameson, "an experience in sound." , Starbuck, a Lns Angeles/ group, has recently finished a tour with the Everly Br()fh-, ers and a onc,qit r with Joan 1 Baez at the. Holl vood Bowl. They will be fo atlrred regu- 1 arly on the new Smothers Brothers Show this £alt Tickets are $.3 m advanr.e at all Rebel hops and Ticket Agencies. The prioe at ,the gate is $3.50.

\ THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1971

• po1t Sce11c With JOHN E. WIRGES


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is to give the homily. A RECEPTIO . F

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San Theater.

' rhe Vnnersity of Coordinate Colleges and"the School of Law have '

D1eao . L.L.D . by the university. The the commencement and pre- vcrs1ty family Ju~we Mos~ and Justieeltitle of his Spe€Ch is "Nobody.sent the degre€s. In addition, hee for \\omen hoard~ of forrua Supreme Court, is to ordinate Colleges. These are Women g " TI1e · ReY. :IIsgr. I. Brent ham be"n ngage be the prmc1paI speaker at scheduled at 3:30 p.m. J1ay · Eagan. chancellor of the D10- search for the prPsid, th!' l.w ~hool cernmony, 30 at the Civic Theatre, Com- The :\lost Re\·. Leo T Ma- cese of an Diego, and see the unified un11,r t) which i~ . cl1eduled at 3 p.m. munity ConcourEe., bishop of San Diego and retar:• of the l 'J11\'Crs11~ of announcement of thcJT deci, . lay 29 1n mrn•s Hall :ltsgr. Horrigan ts also to chancelJor or the L"niversity San D1egr> board of tru.s1ecs, s1on 1s expeeled shortl:-. .


Sunday, May 23, 1971 ------ ------------------------------------------------------- Clip and save all week



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From May 23 TO May 30

IN THE ALLEY -The Escondido folk theater will present Eric Anderson and Michael-

Dramatic Aris Theater, conducted by Charles

REGINA BffiKER - The flu ist will perform at 3 p.m. today, accompanied by pianist Jean Hwang, in the USIU School of Performing CHRISTIAl'\'SE.'IJ-RlTTER-The USIU School of Performing Arts will present Patty Christ- iansen and Walt Ritter in a joint vocal reci- ta! at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, 350 Cedar St. 'ELIJAH' -The Mendelssohn oratorio will be presented by the combined choruses and or- Arts, 350 Cedar St

1 1 I I I I I

D. Yates.

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Claire at 8 p,m. today. DIONNE WARWICKE -

BETTY WONG-The UCSD musician will be joiiled by an ensemble for an environmental sound concert at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the school's Matthews Campus Recital Hall.

The singer, joined

Dra ma

by bluesman B. B. King, will perform at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the Sports Arena. The rock group, plus the Spencer Davis Group and Starbuck, will perform at 8 p.m. Friday in the USO Gymnasium. LOVE -

'NORMAN, IS THAT YOU?' _ The Ron Clark-Sam Bobrick comedy from France will be performed at 8: 30 p.m. in the Coronado Playhouse Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 'PICNIC' _ The William Inge play will be performed l ·n the Chula Vista Playhouse, 373 'SLEEPING BEAUTY' _ An adaptati·on of the ch1'ldren's tale w1·11 be presented by Actors Quar""r, 480 Elm St., at 2 p.m. Saturdays and through June 5. Parkway, at 8 p,m. today. Williams drama will be presented by Actors Quarter, 480 Elm St. , at 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through June 19. 'THE TAVERN' - George M. Cohan's vintage comedy will be presented by the San Diego Cabaret Theater, a new company at 1230 Flet- cher Parkway, El Cajon, at 8:30 p,m. Wednes- days through Saturdays and 5 p.m. Sundays. "' Sundays through June 20. 'SUMMER AND SMOKE' - The Tennessee


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'CANDIDA' - The Shaw Pay w1 ed by the Patio Playhouse, Escondido, at 8:30 presen -

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p.m. Friday and Saturday


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'THE GONDOLIERS' - San Diego State will present the Gilbert and Sullivan opera at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, ilt 2:30 p.m. Sat- urday and at 3 p,m. today and next Sunday

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'DRACULA' - A dramatization of Stoker novel will be presented Mesa Players in the Ben Polak Fine Arts ram La b


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p.m. today in the Palomar College Gymnas- ium and at the same time tomorrow in the


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sta College Gymnasium.


EAST'SAN DIEGO COUNTY Fi\.IR-The 19th annual event at Gillespie Field in El Cajon will feature aeria 1sts Lola and Ernest Rho ·n Friday through May 31, singer Dick Dale of the Lawrence Welk TV show Friday through next Sunday an Western singers Ron Wil- Iiams and Beth Moore on May 1· di d ,

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chorale of Grossmont College will perform at 3:30 p.m. today in the El cai·on school's stu-

'THE EGG' - The French comedy by Fell- cian Marceau will be presented at 7:30 p.m d S t d · the Palo- mar College Drama Lab, San ~1arcos. 'FORTY CARATS'-The French farce adapt- st arring Marjorie Lo rd will be presented by the Off Broadway The- ater, 314 F St., at 8:30 Tuesday through Fridays, at 7 and 10 p.m. Saturdays and at T d F "d hurs ay, n ay an a ur ay m ed by Jay Allen and 'THE INVITED' - Denver Sasser's play will be presented at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Escon- dido's In The Alley folk theater, 340 E. Grand 5 p.m. Sunday£.

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dent center.

1 I I

CALIFORNIA BALLET - The company will present a program titled "Discovering Bal- let" at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the auditorium of Mars- ton Junior High School, 3799 Clairemont

3 1. The fair h M





ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL - 2705 Fifth Ave. will present a choral concert featuring works of Mendelssohn, Britten and The church at 'SOUNDS OF JOY' - The sixth annual music festival of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego will be presented at 2 p.m. today in the Civic SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE -The school's spring choral concert is set for 4 p.m. today, SYMPHO, C BAND - The San Diego State wind ensemble and symphonic band will per- form at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the school's others at 4 p.m. today. Th •- ea..,r. in MaY.


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ICE CAPADES - The latest edition of the frozen revue will be presented in the Sports


and 6 p.m. today.

Arena at



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'MOMENTS TO REMEMBER' _ The Rhy- thm-Aire Players will present their annual revue at 8 p.m . Friday, Saturday and next Sunday in Hornblend Ha ll, 1721 Hornblend St., 'PUSS AND BOOTS' - The puppet show for children will be performed in the Puppet Playhouse, 3903 Voltaire St. , Point Loma, at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Pacific Beach.

SAN DIEGO STATE-The school will present a modern dance concert at & p.m. Friday in the Dramat,·c Arts Th atJ"r



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The men's glee



JOHNNY CASH - The famed country-West- ern singer will bring his show to the Sports

club of San Diego State will present a con- cert at 8: 15 p.m. today in the school's Recital

Arena at 8 next Sunday.



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