Modular Stands Brochure

Minprint Modular Stands for Exhibitions and Displays

modular # show stopping stands this way Volume1



Introduction <9m 2 Stands

p04 p08 p14 p24 p30 p32 p36 p38 p48 p49

9m 2 -12m 2 Stands 15m 2 -25m 2 Stands

Reconfigurable 30m 2 +Stands Reconfigurable


CADServices PrintServices


Introduction Exhibitions areoneof thebest ways to show- case your company and itsproduct range whilst reaching your target audiencewith face to face interaction.

Your standwill need tomake an immediate impression and catch the attentionof passers bywhilst at the same time stand apart from your competitors. Modular exhibition stands canbeon thegrandest scaleor simple in their design – either way they canbe impressive yet cost effective. Thebeauty of Modular standdesigns is that they are flexible, re-configurable andmost importantly re-usable,meaning youhave total freedom to re-create your existing stand touse time and time againwhilst maximising your ROI.

Build awide range stand styles using a choiceof Linear/Vector, Vector Lite, T3, Arena 4Gantry, Panel andPole, Formulate and portabledisplayproducts.

Youcanchoosefromawideselectionof standdesignsthroughoutthisbrochure,ortalktoour 3DDesignteamwhowillworkwithyoutocreateastand thatwillimpresseveryonewhoseesit.


flexible reusable modular custom portable

design service

We can evenmakewooden crates toprotect your investment.


Reconfigurable standsolutions

{tochange theshapeor formationof;


Purchase yourModular stand – Select from customdesigns or have a standdesigned for youusing standard components

design service


Re-configure your standusing existing components or increase the sizeby addingnew sections


remodel; restructure}

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Modular stands are flexible and re-usable. Purchase your stand just once andwhen you need touse it again simply re-configure the design selectingonly the components required, or add to it to fit your new space and together with freshgraphics your standwill look completely different at a fractionof the cost!


Update your graphics to create abrand new look from your existing stand

figure forge



•Standard configurations up to9m 2 •Packed inbags or crates •Self-assembly




<9m 2 Stands

Cost effectiveand interestingway of creatingan exhibition standusing Linkingbanner kits. Create a large area for yourmessage at a fractionof the cost using twoPremium roller bannerswith a suspendedgraphic inbetween. Complete the areausing anOyster casewhich converts into a large table top counter with storage and shelvingwithin. Constructed usingPremium roller bannerswithbanner linking kit

> Assembly time

> Basedon1

Less than0.25day

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 56kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 56kgOystermoulded case




<9m 2 Stands

Formulate is aquick and easy stand system that looks spectacular with its sweeping lines and large visual graphic area. Thebackwalls are aluminium structureswhich are easy to assemble with fabricgraphic socks that fit snugly around the frame. AddFunky shapes that cliponto thebackwall with specially designed clamps, add a smaller formulate table top version for further detail.With exciting imagery these stands can reallygive the wow factor forminimal investment. All frames canholdoptional low voltage lighting and all are supplied in a carrybag for transportation. Constructed usingFormulatebackwall and Ladder FunkyShape.

> Assembly time

> Basedon1

Less than0.25day

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 18kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 7kg, 1 x 6.5kg, 1 x 4.5kg



<9m 2 Stands

Stealth is amodular, linkablebanner system designed to create seamlessgraphicdisplays, providingahighly portableand easy-to-use backdrop for all types of applications. Link four banners together withmagnetic strips and joiningpanels, position at different angles to suit your space. Graphicpanel canbe cut out to support tvmonitor, attach lights overhead. Completedisplaywith counter towelcome your guests.

Constructed using four Stealthbanners.

> Assembly time

> Basedon1

Less than0.25day

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 76kg

Hardware cases: 2 x counter bags, 1x standard1050x550x160bag 2 x paddedbags for lights, 2 x 7.2kgStealth cases



<9m 2 Stands

Pop-updisplays areaptly namedas they popup and click intoplaceusingmagnetic lockingarms, graphics areattachedusingmagbars. Displays canbe as simple as youwant or create large exhibition areas at a very cost effectiveprice. Connect three frames together with linkingpanels to create a flowingdesign completewith centre cut out and tvmonitor. For extra impact andheight add a four quadPop-up tower; for storage and shelving there is also aPop-up counter available. Constructed using threePop-up frames andPop-up tower.

> Assembly time

> Basedon1

Less than0.5day

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 53kg

Hardware cases: 1 x 15kgElipsemoulded case 2 x 15kgZeusmoulded case 1 xPop-up counter bag




•Standard configurations from9m 2 - 12m 2 •Packed inbags or crates •Self-assembly




9-12m 2 Stands

Singlebackwall, openon three sides. Abasic standdesign to suit the cost consciouspocket whilst offeringa smart stand solution. Theplain yet spacious backwall allows for literature shelving, poser table, tvmonitor and lighting. As there is only a singlebackwall this allows plenty of floor space for a counter and chair towelcomeguests Constructed from Linear vector withmagnetic tape andPVC graphics.

> Assembly time 0.25day

> Basedon1

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 33kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



9-12m 2 Stands

Openon two sides this standhasplenty of space for abar tableand stools, poser tableplus a welcome counter. The sharpdesign also allows for literature shelves on the edges of the stand andover panel lighting. Constructed from Linear vector withmagnetic tape andPVC graphics.

> Assembly time 0.5day

> Basedon1

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 33kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



9-12m 2 Stands

AU shaped standdesignwith threewalls and openat the front, offeringa littlemoreprivacy from neighbouring exhibitors. Thedesign still allows space for table and four chairs, aposer table and awelcome counter. The straight walls offer plenty of area for tvmonitors and literature rackingplus plenty of overhead lighting. Constructed from Linear vector withmagnetic tape andPVC graphics

> Assembly time 0.5day

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 60kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 7kg case, 1 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



9-12m 2 Stands

Simple yet interestingdesign. Free-standing recessed cubewith shelvingand suspended acrylicposter holders. Use striking imagery for thebackwalls todraw the customer in. Openon three sideswith cube style counter plus room for table and chairs. Constructed from Linear vector using textile fabricgraphics

> Assembly time 0.5day

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 180kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 2kg case, 3 x 19kg



9-12m 2 Stands

Simpledesignwithone shapedbackwall, allowing easy access onto your stand. Straight and curvedpanels allow for interestingmulti dimensional graphics, use lighting for theultimate effect. Withplenty of space for accessorising and room for awelcome counter, this is a very cost effectivedesign for when youhave limited space. Constructed from Linear vector withPVCgraphics

> Assembly time 0.5day

> Basedon1

person assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 51kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 2.82kg case, 1 x 19kg, 1 xCounter Bag



9-12m 2 Stands

Unusual and interesting standdesign, openon two sideswith centremeetingpod combininga storage cupboardandbusiness seatingareawith room for four chairs anda table. Completewithover panel lighting, literatureholders and tvmonitor. Constructed from Linear vector withPVCgraphics

> Assembly time 0.5day

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 126kg approx

Hardware cases:1 x 0.4kg case, 1 x 2kg case, 2 x 8.6kg, 3 x 19kg



9-12m 2 Stands

Eye-catching shapeddisplay and counter whichoffers access from three sides. Recessed alcoves providing space for acrylic shelves. Plenty of floor space allowing for large counter and literature stands Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabric andPVCgraphics

> Assembly time 1.0days

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 119kg approx

Hardware cases: 3 x 2.82kg, 1 x 5.24kg, 3 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



9-12m 2 Stands

Clever designwhich is openon three sideswitha straight backwall. Large counterspositioned close toback of the standwithplenty of counter space formonitors. Tall Linear vector graphicpanels are attachedbehind each counter for extrabrandingor graphics options. Floor is left clear andopen welcoming customers onto the stand. Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabricgraphics

> Assembly time 1.0day

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 102kg approx

Hardware cases: 3 x 19kg




•Standard configurations from15m 2 - 25m 2 •Packed inbags or crates •Self-assembly or professional install




15-25m 2 Stands

Attractivedesignopenon two sideswith tall end columnsgivingmulti dimension toa simpledesign. Plenty of room to addbar table and stools pluswelcome counter and literatureholders. Columns allow themounting for TVmonitors. Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabricgraphic

> Assembly time 1.0day

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 117kg approx

Hardware cases: 2 x 9kg, 3 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



15-25m 2 Stands

Openon two sideswith straight backwalls and corner section. Design allows for integral shelving shelteredby two endpanels offering a senseof privacywhilst on the stand.Withplenty of room for awelcome counter and table and chairs, you can also

accessorisewith ambient lighting and tvmonitors. Constructed from Linear vector withPVCgraphics

> Assembly time 1.0day

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 134kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 2kg case, 1 x 9kg, 3 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



15-25m 2 Stands

Ultramodern standwithonemainbackwall with large featurepanel in the centre toaccommodate tvmonitor which is flankedby two recessed shelvingareaswithhidden lighting. Stand is openon three sideswith twomeeting areas at the front shielded frompassers-bywith twohalf height walls. Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabricgraphics

> Assembly time 1.0days

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 120kg approx

Hardware cases: 3 x 19kg



15-25m 2 Stands

Interesting standopenon two sideswith two tall arches that drawattention. Thedesign flow tempts your customers towalk through the archways, ideal for show casing artworkor informationon the large backwalls andpillar fronts. Room for table and chairs pluswelcome counter, tvmonitors and literatureholders. Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabricgraphics

> Assembly time 2.0days

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 104kg approx

Hardware cases: 1 x 7kg case, 1 x 19kg, 1 x counter bag



Reconfigurable standsolutions 1. Purchasebasedesignwith a singlebackwall with supported ‘free-standing’ shelvingpods

{tochange theshapeor formationof;


Add extrapanel to create a two sided standusingoneof the shelvingpods as a corner unit


remodel; restructure}

fluorin gracefu refuelin carefu

design service

Perfect stand for re-configuring to suit different spaceoptions. Stand canbe redesigned tooffer singlebackwall or openon two sides. Feature towers canbepositioned at front of display or incorporated intobackwall for extra shelving.

If space ismore limited, components canbe reducedby takingoneof the towers away andusing remainingone as part of backwall.

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Very attractivedesignwithplenty of shelving and seatingoptions. Room for a counter in all three layouts.

Constructed from Linear vector withPVCgraphics and in-fill graphic panels

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3. Create a largemulti dimensional

standusingboth shelvingpods in different locationswithin thedesign, plenty of wall space for shelving and integrated seatingoptions



•Standard configurations from30m 2 plus •Packed inbags or crates •Professional install




30m 2 plus Stands

Large impressive stand for when youwant tomakean impact! Openon two sideswith addeddimensionusing arches along the full lengthof the stand.Moderndesigned meeting areausing acrylic and in fill panelswhich allows for adegreeof privacy. Large tower sectionwith lighting for high-linebranding. There is plenty of room for table and chairs plus arch panels allow for tvmonitors. Further room at the front of the stand for displayplinths. Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabricpanels and acrylic in-fills.

> Assembly time 2.0days

> Basedon3

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 374kg approx

Hardware cases: 2 x 9kg case, 9 x 19kg



30m 2 plus Stands

Large striking island standwith curvedarches and lighted feature tunnel down the centrewith walls either side for graphics or information. Plenty of spaceon theoutside for brandingor presentation using the full lengthof thewalls. Completewith tvmonitors and literatureholders for information. Constructed from Linear vector with textile fabricgraphic panels.

> Assembly time 2.0days

> Basedon2

people assembly


Hardwareweights and cases required

Hardwareweight: 83kg approx

Hardware cases: 3 x 9kg case, 2 x 19kg



30m 2 plus Stands

1. Storage tower is positioned at theback of the stand and twoof thegraphic legs areused. Room for counter, tvmonitor and literatureholder. Brandedhanging structureoverhead.

2. Re-configure centre tower into a backwall with threegraphic legs

comingoff it allowing a tunnel effect. Position counter at the front of the stand togreet customers. Hanging structureoverhead


30m 2 plus Stands

design service

Impressivedesigned island stand with largehanging structure above offeringexcellent branding and awareness opportunities. High impact standwith some smart ways to reconfigure. Centre tower canbe re-shaped into abackwall; use two, threeor four of thegraphic legs dependingon space. All designs incorporate awelcome counter, literature holders and tvmonitors. Formaximum exposure all threedesigns have aFormulate hanging structuremaking sure your stand is seen from all corners of the exhibitionhall.

3. Using all components to create a

stunning islanddesign completewith largehanging structureover head.

Package Type,Weights&Dimensions

>Hardwareweight: 136kg approx

>Cases: 1 x 9kg case, 4 x 19kg


lite and flexi 3 t ATERIAL1

t3 liteandflexi curvekits

t3 Liteand t3 flexi curveoffer an easy tobuild, compact and flexiblemodular framework system manufactured in theUK. Designandbuild your stand fromawide rangeof standard components. THE EASY B

t3 liteandflexi curvekits featuresat aglance:

Neat corner and end trims


Graphics attached withmagnetic tape

Curved and straight panels

Stand alone structures


t3 framework: Creatingeye-catchingdisplayswith smooth curvesusing theunique t3 flexi system. All the stands are very simple to assembleusing a straight forward Twist andLockmechanismwithno toolsnecessary. Graphics fit smoothly andeasilyonto the framesusinggraphichangers and magnetic edging.

t3 is ideal for:

design service

Exhibition stands Pop-up shops Displaygraphics

POSdisplays Conferences Customer self build Schools and colleges


flexi curvestructures:

easy tobuild fromstandardkits:

Start your t3 structurewith any of thepanels illustratedbelow and just addonuntil your design is complete. It’s as simple as that.


Choose from a rangeof standdesigns or workingwith our 3DDesign team create aT3 stand that fits your requirements perfectly someof thegreat t3 standsavailable:







t3comeswithagreat range ofoptional accessories:

accessories include standard table tops, shelving systems,monitor and light brackets, counters and cupboard storage solutions




linear vector A flexibleanddurable stand system, linear vector is theperfect solution for your exhibitiondisplay. Eachdesign canprovide seamless graphics using either textile fabric graphic, rollableor rigidmediaswhich allows your artwork to flow uninterrupted across your stand. Complete the lookwith a choiceof accessories including spot lights, LCDbrackets, literatureholders, tablet holders and tables. buildingbigg

ear ector

linearvector featuresat aglance:

Spotlights or back-lighting


Literature holders

Rigid infil graphics (foamex)

Graphics attached withmagnetic tape

Curved and straight panels


linearvector framework: Highquality stand solution Reconfigurable Easy tobuild Wall frames are available in LEDback lit versions


Support a choiceof graphic fixings including rigid, rollable, spring clip and silicon edged textile fabric Seamless singleor double sidedgraphic walls available LEDback lit panels available for textile fabricgraphics

Exhibition stand kits also available Durablewith Lifetimeguarantee


linear vector fixings andaccessories

Steel/Mag tape* Looped Rigid Infill SiliconGasket


Fluorescent Acrylic TopCaps Available in red, green or blue and in three shapes.

Acrylic Stacks LN601-LCA


PVCwing extrusion LN608-1000



Oval Base LN114-S

Engraved Thermoformed topCustom Item

Poser Table LN319

UVPrinted table tops

450mmSteel Dome Base LN102

Slatwall Panel LN-SL-1000 x 750 Slatwall Leaflet Holder (A4) AH310 Slatwall Hook AH321

Aluminium literature holder - LN112

Acrylic literature holder LN50 1

Compass graphic fixing LN502

Powerspot 1000 PS1000 (Vector light fitting)

Powerspot 1060 LED Floodlight - PS1060S

LCDBrackets 3 types availabl e Beams

iPad holder 360˚ See page 89



45mm LN605

50mm oval beam LN609

50mm 8-way LN618

50mm square 8-way LN616

75mm 8-way LN8W

*Steel /mag tape is suppliedas standardwith kits, please specify alternativegraphic fixing if required (spring clip fixingswill incur anadditional charge) Thermoformedavailable inblack, walnut, white, birch and silver



vector lite Vector lite is the economical ‘hybrid’ solution to support every typeof graphic requiredwithina small tomedium exhibition standdesign. Made from anodised aluminium, Vector lite frame kits are available in standard sizes that canbeusedon their ownor linked together. This clever system supports rollable, foam, pvc and textile fabricgraphics all inoneunique extrusion! fastand light

vector lite featuresat aglance: ctor lite

Supports a rangeof media types (see above)

40mm aluminium profiles

Rangeof standard panel sizes

Link frames together using a slidemotion connector


vector lite is ideal for:

vector lite graphics:

Exhibitions Conferences Easy self build

Seamless textile fabric Rollablemedia 0.5mm thickness Rigidmedia 2or 3mm thickness

Schools and colleges Retail environments Fastmodular solutions

vector litegraphic fixings and frames

Steel/Mag tape* Rigid Infill SiliconGasket

vector litegraphic fixings and frames

*Steel /mag tape is suppliedas standardwith kits, please specify alternativegraphic fixing if required (spring clip fixingswill incur anadditional charge) Thermoformed table tops available in black, white, birch, silver andwalnut.



formulate Formulatehanging structures are constructed from toughaluminium tubeswith textile fabricgraphic socks completewith steel eyelets that fit snugly around the frameusing stronghook and loop fastening. Formulatebackwalls and ‘FunkyShapes’ createdramaticbackdrops for your exhibitionusing simple tubes that lock intoplace, completewith graphic fabric socks securedby hook and loop lightweight high

ormulate formulate system featuresat aglance:

Large rangeof shapes and sizes


Tensioned fabric graphics

Graphics sock closedwithhook and loop tape


formulatehanging frames






*Wirehangers generally suppliedby exhibitionhall

formulate is ideal for:

formulategraphics: Powerstretch, 215gsm fabric for indoor use giving a fullywrappedgraphicwithgreat tensiondue to the elasticqualities of the material

Exhibitiondisplays Conferences Customer self build Schools and colleges Retail environments High visual impact

mpact structures

formulatebackwalls and funky shapes (sold separately)

takea lookat someof thegreat formulatestructuresavailable:

Choose from threebackwalls, Horizontal Curve, Vertical Curve and Straight. Add funky shapes togive a striking3D effect to your stand.

funky shapes (sold separately)


ATERIAL5 formulate lite

formulate lite Looking for a sharp, simple, portable fabricbackwall that sets up in 5minutes? Look no further. TheFormulate Litebackdrop is oneof the easiest andmost portable solutions you can find. In addition to the standard landscape/horizontal configuration, Formulate Lite canbe turnedon its side to create aportrait/vertical wall aswell. The sturdy, lightweight 30mm aluminum frame assembleswith push-button functionality. lightweight high

formulate lite system featuresat aglance:

Large rangeof shapes and sizes

Tensioned fabric graphics

Graphics sock closedwithhook and loop tape


formulate lite is ideal for:

formulate lite features: Takes less than5minutes to set up Easy to store and ship Configures toportrait or landscape Kit includes: one frame, onedye- sublimated stretch fabricgraphic and carrybag Storage carry case available as option

Conferences Customer self build Schools and colleges Retail environments High visual impact

mpact structures

takea lookacloser lookatourall new formulate lite - thefiveminutebackwall:















panel&pole Panel andPole systems canbeused to create a variety of standdesigns using thesewell liked traditional structures.

anel Pole

With a choiceof framedor frameless panels your options are endless and accessories can include lockabledoors, curvedpanels, tabletops plus lotsmore andwith thesepanels beingdurable and adaptable they are theperfect system for when youwant to re-configure your design in the future. simpleande

panel&pole system featuresat aglance:

panel&pole is ideal for:

Portabledisplay systems Schools and colleges Roomdividers Exhibitions Conferences




Cost effective

No tools required



arena4gantry This typeof system is ideal for creating very bold and striking exhibition stands. With exposed lightweight aluminiumbeams that are extremely strong allowing a loadbearing spanof up to60m . There is plenty of scope to accessoriseArena 4Gantry standswith table tops, literatureholders and LCDmonitor brackets. sy touse arena4gantry system featuresat aglance:

arena4 gantry

arena4gantry is ideal for:

Exhibitions Showrooms Events Retail displays Hanging structures


Easy joining system

Bungee attached Graphics



D designservices

3DDesignServices letushelpyoudesign yourperfect stand:

WideFormatPrinting Services there tosupport youall theway: Fromhelpwith your artwork toprinting and finishing, weoffer a full printing service and aim to achieve theperfect balance betweenquality, service andprice. Youhavenow seen thewide rangeof modular stands throughout thisbrochure already designed to fit your space. However if you are looking for somethingmoreor want tomodify oneof the customdesigns our 3DDesign team canhelp you create a stand that is truly unique to you, whilst taking into consideration it’s future re-configurability and returnon investment. We can take your ideas andbring them to life, turningdrawings into full 3D images so you can seewhat your standwill look like.We can thenpre-build your stand, andprovidephotos of the finished article ready for your approval. When the time comes for you touse your stand againour 3D specialists can help suggest anew configuration for your current standor if your space is bigger advisewhat extra components youwill need to create anew look and feel by using standardparts or bespokedependingon your design.

Whether youneed a complete rangeof print services or helpwith specialist textile fabricprinting, we canhelpdeliver a speedy and competitive solution.

Choose from awide rangeof printingmedia frombanner vinyl and flag knit to specialist canvas fabric andback lit transparency





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