U Magazine, Winter 1987


honeymooned in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada... Robert and Lauren (Ledbetter) Vacchi were ma rried June 7, 1986 in Founder's Cha pel. 1985 Debra Lynn Cushman married Ken t Nathan Parrish on August 30, 1986 in a garden wedding at the h ome of Debra·s parents in Pt. Loma .. . Judith (Zinger) Weiss adopted a Korean girl in July.. . Joanne (Picerno) Haase married Steve Haase in June 1986 and is currently a real estate appraiser for Home Federal in San Diego.. . Murray DeLine is engaged to Patrice Farrell '85. They will be living in Denver, Colo... Barbara Fiamengo has a new busin ess - Mum·s the Word Floral Design in San Diego.. . D'Arcy Denas and Michael Turley '86 were married in June '86 at Founders Ch apel. He was commission ed a 2nd Lt. in th e Air Force in June.. . Agatha Pontes is an a udi tor with Touche Ross in San Diego. 1986 Charisse Terry married Greg Woods at the Immaculata August 24, 1986. They reside in Colorado... Bob Pascual is a n investment consultanUfinancial representative for Continental Corpora– tion in Hemet. Cal if. . . Joni Iglinski received a fellowship from Georgetown University. She is studying for a master's degree in Englis h a nd co-teaching fres hma n English classes ...Walter Turner is currently waiting tables and sk iing the greatest snow on earth in Alta, Utah ... Patrick Von Tscharner is busy working for the Equitable Financial Services. Co. in Los Angeles as a financial pla nner. He plans to pursue an MBA at



Patrick Von Tscharner '86

Sean Cunneen '86

USC in 198 7... Daniel Mishler was commission ed Ensign in the Navy upon his graduation from USD...Sean Cunneen has been commiss ioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from Officer Traini ng School at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.. .The secret is out - Shawn O'Hearn is director of marketing and advertisin g with the Regional Occupation Program -Capistrano Unified School District in Californ ia .. . 2nd Lt. Patrick 0 . Maloy was commissioned after gradu a– tion in May 1986. He recently was assigned to Camp LeJeune, N.C. after completing schooling at Quantico, Va. He is engaged to Stacy Turner. No wedding date h as been set.

Stacy Turne r '86 and Patrick Malloy '86 -------------------------------------------– Send us your news! Mail to: "U", Publications Office, University of San Diego Alcala Park , San Diego, CA 92110

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