U Magazine, Winter 1987
JANUARY Through May 31 Carita Kent serigraph exhib ition. Noon to 5 p .m., weekdays, Founders Gallery. 260-4600, ext. 4261. 17 Men's basketball vs. University of San Francisco. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. 22 Hahn School of Nursing Open House. Informational program for nu rses interested in USD n u rsing program. 4:30-6:30 p.m ., Hahn Sch ool of Nursing. 260-4550. 23 Women 's basketball vs . University of San Francisco. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. Pre-game party preceding men·s basketball at USF. 6 p. m., University Center, USF. 24 President's Club dinner honoring Helen Hayes. 7 p.m ., University Center. 260-4271. Pre-game party preceding men·s basketball at Santa Clara. 6 p.m. , Donohoe Alumni House, Santa Clara. Women's basketball vs. Santa Clara University. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. 27 Reception in San Francisco for parents, alumni and prospective students. 7:30 p .m. , Sacred Heart Schools, 2222 Broadway. 260-4271. Reception in Las Vegas for School of Law alumni. 5:30 p.m., Riveria Hotel and Convention Center. 260-4692. 28 Reception in Moraga for parents. 7:30 p.m ., home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mullen , 404 Kingsford Dr. 260-4271. 29 Men's basketball vs. Loyola Marymount University. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. Reception in Menlo Park for alumni and parents. 7:30 p .m. , Sacred Heart Schools, 150 Valparaiso Ave. 260-4271 . 31 Men's basketball vs. Pepperdine University. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. FEBRUARY 3 Reception in Chicago for parents and alumni. 7:30 p .m. , Barat College. 260-4271. 4 Reception in Dallas for parents and alumni. 7 :30 p.m., Hilton Inn. 260-4271. 5 Reception in Las Vegas for parents, alumni, friends. 7:30 p.m. , Flamingo Hilton. 260-4271. 6 Women's basketball vs. Pepperdine University. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. 7 Women's basketball vs. Loyola Marymount University. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. 12 Men's basketball vs. U.S. International University. 7:30 p.m.. Sports Center. 13 Business Update Brea kfast Seminar. "Health Promotion in the Workplace. " Dr. Cynthia Pavett, associate professor of management. Continental breakfast 7:30 a.m. , seminar 8 a .m ., Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585. 14 Men 's basketball vs. St. Mary's College. 7 :30 p.m.. Sports Center. 19 Distinguished Speakers Series. William Holland, vice president of Kidder, Peabody & Co. , Inc. and host of KSDO radio·s "Money Talks," will discuss the 1986 Tax Act. Reception 5 :30 p. m. , seminar 6 p. m ., Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585. Men's basketball vs. Gonzaga University. 7:30 p .m., Sports Center. 20 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "CurrencyAreas and Miti– gation of Foreign Exchange Risk. "Dr. Luc. Soenen, associate professor of finance . Continental breakfast 7:30 a.m., seminar 8 a.m., Manchester Conference Center. S 15. 260-4585.
21 Women's basketball vs . U.S . International University. 5 p.m ., Sports Center. Men's basketball vs . Univers ity of Portland. 7:30 p.m. , Sports Center. 22 Recital. Tenor William E ichorn and pianist Fr. Nicolas Reveles, fine arts department faculty members, will present a recital of art songs, including music by Benjamin Britten and other English composers. $5, general; $2 seniors and students with i.d. 4 p.m. , Camino Theater. 24 Reception in Honolulu for parents and alumni. 7:30 p.m., Hilton Hawaiian Village, 2005 Kalnia Rd. 260-4271. 27 Women's basketball vs. Un iversity of Nevada-Reno. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. MARCH 3 Distinguished Speaker Series. Dr. Denis Waitley, author of "The Psychology ofWinning," will discuss "Seeds of Great– ness," 10 secrets of success. Continental breakfast 7:30 a.m., seminar 8 a.m.. Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585. 6 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "The Productivity Bug: Are You Immune or a Carrier?" Charles Teplitz, associate professor of operations management. Continental breakfast 7:30 a.m.. seminar 8 a.m., Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585. Women's basketball vs. Northern Arizona University. 7:30 p .m., Sports Center. 6 -7 Men·s basketball, West Coast Athletic Conference Tourna– ment. TBA, San Francisco. 14 Crew Alumni Weekend. TBA. 260-4819. 20 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "The Three Keys to Organizational Excellence." Dr. Dennis Briscoe, associate professor of management. Continental breakfast 7:30 a .m., seminar 8 a .m. , Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585. 24 Distinguished Speakers Series. Orville Redenbacher, America's popcorn king, will discuss the development of his successful popcorn business. Continental breakfast 7:30 a.m., seminar 8 a. m .. Manchester Conference Center. S 15. 260-4585 . 25 Career Day. TBA, University Center. 260-4819. 27 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "VulnerabilityAnalysis: ADevil's Advocate Approach to Contingency Planning. " Dr. Darlene Pienta, associate professor of management. Continental breakfast 7:30 a .m. , seminar8a.m.. Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585.
APRIL 3 Business Update Breakfast Seminar. "Drug Test ing:
Implications for Human Resource Management." Dr. Miriam Rothman, assistant professor of marketing. Continental breakfast 7:30 a.m. , seminar 8 a. m ., Manchester Conference Center. $15. 260-4585 . Crew Alumni Association dinner for parents, alumni,
students. 6p.m., UniversityCenter. 260-4819. 4 Crew Classic. TBA, Mission Bay. 260-4819.
OTHER PROGRAMS Institute of Christian Ministries workshops January, February, March and April. Topics include "Contemporary Issues for the Church ," "Conflict Management in Ministerial Settings," "New Directions in Western Spirituality," "Sin and Reconciliation," "Leadership Skills for Effective Groups/Meetings and "Resurrec– tion Narratives." Fees. Times and dates vary. 260-4784. •
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