(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3001 ​ 南京解放前一日的報值封 Value Declared Cover on the Last Day of Nanking National Chinese Post

For most of the post offices in Nanking, the capital city, it was business as usual. However, amid intensive gunfire, handling value declared mail service was beyond their capability. Postage: 2 x Airmail​Registered = Gold Yuan 18000, 2.5% Value Declare Fee for 2,320,000 = Gold Yuan 58000. Total = Gold Yuan 76000​ 顯示在炮火連天的解放前一日(南京在1949年4月23日解放) ,郵政業務包括航空、掛號、報值都營運如常,但因戦亂郵路 受阻,此信無法投遞,郵資:加重航空掛號-金元1萬八千,報值費- 價值2百32萬之2.5%金元5萬8千,信封上貼郵票共值 金元7萬6千。​ HK$ 65,000 - 70,000


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