(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3117 金門 - 最後的銀圓封 Quemoy - The Last Silver Yuan Postage Mail

Airmail cover from Quemoy (26th November 1950). The 3 domestic ordinary Unit stamps (at 5 fen each) were to pay for the 15 fen domestic airmail rate. Effective 16th July 1950, the KMT controlled areas in the mainland, such as Quemoy, must switch to New Taiwan Dollar postage and New Taiwan Dollar stamps must be used. This Unit stamp cover may well be the last Silver Yuan postage mail. One week after the liberation of Amoy on 49.10.17, the PLA started to attack Quemoy with 9,086 marines, attempting to land on the island. The battle ended on 27th October 1949, when none of the 9,086 could return to Amoy. The battle of Quemoy is the KMT’s only winning battle in the War of Liberation. Today, Quemoy is still a KMT occupied territory.​ 1950年11月26日從金門寄往台北,上貼平信單位票3枚共值銀元15分,相等於國內航空郵資。由50年7月16日起,在大陸 的國統區(如金門、馬祖)必需轉為新台幣郵資,這封很有可能是最後的銀元郵資封。在廈門解放一週後,解放軍起兵9 千海軍陸戦隊進攻金門,金門戰役在49.10.27 完結,解放軍被全殲,9 千人部隊,無一返回廈門,自今金門仍是國統區。 ​ HK$ 17,000 - 20,000


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