(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy

1950年2月1日之後的國際航郵封 International Airmails after 1st February 1950

With the resources secured from the two defected aviation companies, the PRC government resumed international airmail service effective 1st February 1950. The following two covers fully illustrate that practically Canton was once again an important hub for forwarding international airmails.​ 由於得到兩航起義的資源,新中國政府人民郵政公司宣布在1950年2月1日起恢復國際航郵業務, 以大的 二 個信封充分顯 示,廣州再次成為轉運國際航空郵件的重要樞紐。​


3138 自西康會理往美國 From Sikang Hweili to USA

A cover mailed to the USA from Sikang Hweili on 6th April 6 1950. It was transferred through Canton en route to Philadelphia. It was franked with five Shanghai Dah Tung Print registered mail unit stamps, 75 fen of postage in total, consistent with international registered airmail postage of the time. Hweili was liberated on 24th March 1950.​ 所示的實寄封是1950年4月6日由西康會理寄出,6月27日經廣州往美國費城,上貼大東版掛號單位票5枚,合共75分,符 合國際航空掛號郵資。會理於1950年3月24日解放。​ HK$ 33,000 - 35,000


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