(PDF) HK037-Mr Choy


3037 笏石對剖票 Hushih Bisected stamps ​

Upon its liberation in late August 1949, due to the short supply of 1 fen stamps, Hushih Post Office diagonally bisected the 2 million-yuan Dr. SYS 3rd Shanghai Dah Tung Print stamps overprinted as 2 fen Basic stamps, thus creating a 1 fen stamp for use with the 4 fen stamps. On September 8, it commenced diagonally bisecting the 10,000-yuan revenue stamps previously overprinted as 1-jiao (10 fen) Basic stamps to create 5 fen stamps. Hushih bisected stamps were manually overprinted, using a wooden seal, with the No.4 Standard Style character font “Hu (笏)” in black printing ink as a measure to prevent fraud.​ 1949年8月底當笏石解放後,郵局由於缺乏1分郵票,於1949年8月,以上海大東三版孫中山像200萬元加蓋2分基數郵票,斜 角對剖作1分,與4分郵票搭配使用。9月8日又以印花稅票1萬元加蓋1角基數郵票,斜角對剖作為5分使用。笏石對剖票使 用時需用4號楷體 “笏” 字木戳,黑色印油,手蓋在對剖郵票上,以防舞弊。 A cover mailed to Foochow from Hushih on 3rd September 1949. It was franked with a diagonally bisected (upper left part) 2 million-yuan Dr. SYS 3rd Shanghai Dah Tung Print stamp overprinted as a 2 fen Basic stamp creating (thus creating a 1 fen stamp) and hand-stamped with the No.4 Standard Style character font “Hu(笏)” together with a 4 fen Dr. SYS 1st Shanghai Dah Tung Print Basic stamp. Ordinary postage was 5 fen at the time. It arrived in Foochow on 7th September 1949. By then, Hushih had already been liberated. This means that the use of such stamps had been taken up by the succeeding People’s Posts. Covers franked with such deviated SYS stamps are extremely rare. This may well be the only extant example with such stamps. 所示的實寄封是1949年9月3日由笏石寄福州,貼上海大東三版孫中山像200萬元加蓋2分基數折白郵票,斜角對剖(左上 角)作1分,另蓋4號楷體 “笏” 字木戳,及上海大東一版孫中山像加蓋4分基數郵票搭配使用,符合其時平信5分郵資,同 年9月7日到達福州。其時笏石已經解放,屬人民郵政沿用。銀圓變體郵票的實寄封本來就非常少,福建2分基數折白郵票 與對剖票搭配使用可能是唯一的一件。​ HK$ 4,500 - 6,000


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