
Commodore’s report

The first thing you will have noticed opening this eNews is it’s changed … member Matthew Tesch ( “Mistress” ) has volunteered to upgrade and produce the monthly eNews and you can’t believe how much this helps Karen and your club. A huge thank-you, Matthew from me! A modern flip page document and updated format is just what we needed to refresh the eNews and present a professional publication. The website will be the next target in the next few months, as it is also very outdated and difficult to update.

I would like to remind all members that membership fees are due by 30th June and if you haven’t paid please do so, as it may be a factor as to whether or not your club makes $1.00 this year (if you don’t know, that has been my target and is discussed at every board meeting) . Karen has been going to the club every weekend or Mondays and processing membership renewals and she is expecting a huge influx over the next couple of weeks so please don’t disappoint her.

On a sad note, our burgee supplier Fox Flags’ building and business was burnt to the ground recently and I understand that Daryl may not rebuild. It’s sad to see a business of 30+ years close that way – especially when the fire was started in a car parked at the back of the building. We still have a limited stock of burgees and are currently getting quotes from an alternate supplier; we will keep you informed on progress in the next eNews.

I have said it before and I will say it again: how time flies; I have been on the board for 12 months now and Commodore for 9 months and I believe all the hard work that has been put in by all the board is rewarding. You may not see or think that your Board is productive but … Your / Our Club is still trading and the doors are open. I’m looking forward to this year’s Audit. Speaking of which the club will be closed early Tuesday 30th

June (probably by 3.00pm) as our Auditor will be in attendance at the club to supervise end of year stocktake, poker machine audit and cash on hand balances, as well as reviewing our MYOB files … which I can say with a huge amount of certainty are accurate, very accurate. J The Jazz Day went off without dramas, unlike last New Year’s Eve. We had 341 people through the gate and the staff were kept busy all day. I would like to thank all the volunteers that helped on the gates and on glass duty, and Karen for ensuring that all of the $1,705 gate takings were rung through the till. The kitchen staff also did a very good job by producing quality food very quickly: customers were commenting how quickly their meals were prepared and served. Well done, Chef John and staff! There was one pre-Jazz Day moment of excitement – one of the freezer compressor motors decided to give up. A quick response from Past Commodore Mal Parker and Will from Freezetec, who personally (in his own boat) delivered and installed a replacement on the Saturday morning. Thank you, Will and Mal. Also a big thank you to Jorgy from Stradbroke Wholesale Distributors for storing our frozen goods during the breakdown.

While on the subject of eNews updates, we’re going to have a closer look at the red beacon closest to the southwestern end of our pontoon and let you know. A keen-eyed observer has reported that the beacon appears to have been relocated by two or three metres. As we all know it has been getting very shallow next to this beacon – as a couple of boats have recently discovered. Until this can be investigated further, please give this beacon a wide berth to the southwest (closer to the public jetty).



Another volunteer needed: Karen is still wearing too many hats and we are urgently looking for someone to volunteer to be Honorary Treasurer. The books are squeaky-clean so you won’t be inheriting a nightmare as we did. Our Club Book- keeper, Amanda from Stones Consulting, provides accurate reconciled reports each month and promptly processes Wages and Accounts every Monday. We have already had meetings with our Auditors and they are very happy with what we have and will be presenting them come 30th June.

Little Ship Club (Queensland Squadron)

June 2015 eNews


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