Police World Edition 2 2014


IPARewards PSUK Success Amember of SectionUKhas receivedher High Achiever’sPrize in recognitionof her sporting achievementswithPoliceSportUK. husbandAdam, alsoan IPAmember, servingwithNottinghamshirePolice. SectionUKoffers its congratulations to Janeandwishesher success in forthcoming competitions.

New IPA National Lottery

JaneEllis, a servingofficer with Lincolnshire Police, has represented theBritishPSUK Table Tennis Team for the last five years andplayed in thePSUKChampionships in2012 (this is a four-year event). Shehas also competed in the annual fixturebetween theBritishPoliceand theRAF for the last three years.


On17May, 2014at theNational Council Meeting inColchester, IPASectionUKwill officially launch its National Lottery. TheNational Lotterywill generate income for theSection. It is recognized that a

International PoliceAssociation SectionUK

Janewas keen to try on the t-shirt that she received

number of small 100 /500 lottery clubs already exist within Branches

You don’t have to be a high achiever to own a t-shirt and mug! Order your’s today - visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Shop

Janewithher luckymascot

In recognitionof Jane’s achievements, Section UKawardedher witha selectionof IPA supplies to the valueof £25, which she collected personally duringa visit toSectionUK’s administration centre. Shewas accompaniedby

EntryForm OverLeaf

andRegions and the IPASectionUK National Lottery isnot intended to discourage these.

Thank You! Asa tokenof appreciation, for the assistance inproofreadingPoliceWorld, CarolynWilliamsonand JeanGoodwin, werepresentedwithacardandgift voucher by theCommunications Team atBSAC. LeeHemmings, Editor, said, “Thank youCarolynand Jean for all your helpover the years. The service you provide is invaluable.” The Lotterywill pay out 70%of the total amount ofmoney received inprizes. The morepeoplewhoparticipate, the greater the valueof theprizes. Application formswill beavailableonline fromour website www.ipa-uk.org It ishoped that all Regions, Branches and memberswill give their full support to the IPASectionUKNational Lottery. Eachentrywill cost £1permonth. Multiple entries canbemade.

9Region Raise£4000 for Charity Hertfordshirebranchhavebeen fundraising for anorphanage inUkraine. Thebranch first got involvedwith the charity afterMarkBullen, branchSecretary, learnt of their plight onaBBCdocumentary in 2012 calledUkraine’s forgotten children: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs42- 5HnQRQ Since then thebranchhas raisedover £4000and visited thehomewithmedicine and toys. Members of Hertfordshirebranchhavemet with trustee's of theUkraine charity and discussedplans to continue fund raising. If youwould to findoutmoreabout the charity contactMarkat: 9region@ipa-uk.org

MarkBullenmeetswith charity trustees


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014

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