Police World Edition 2 2014


TomCelebrates50 years of IPAMembership

Don’tBin it - Recycle! IPAmember IanSnelsonwrote toPolice World to say rather than throwinghis copy of PoliceWorldaway, whenhe is finished reading it, hedrops it off at the local police station instead.

TomFergusson, of theLothianandBorders branch, celebrated50 yearsofmembership of the IPA. Tom, joined the IPA in1964, a year after joiningEdinburghCityPolice. In January, at a gatheringof fellowmembers thebranchwas joinedby1RegionChair, AndyWright, whopresentedan IPAwatchand certificate to Tom. RodMcNeill, Chair of the LothianandBorders branch, said “Our branch Treasurer, Tom Fergusson,manfullymanaged the£10Kor so that flowed intoandout of our branchaccount in connectionwith the recent Faroe Island trip. Thank you Tom for all your hardwork”.

Why not follow Ian’s exampleand recycle your unwanted copy too?

Wapping, SOHO, Sex, Drugsand Rock&Roll ThamesValley branchpaid twonostalgic visits toLondon. Somememberswondered what theconnectionwasbetweenSOHO and the tour of thePalaceofWestminster! Thirtymembers and friends attendedone or bothdays’ outings, rekindling friendships andenjoying the tales toldby our fabulous guides. TheWapping Tour was conducted in glorious sunshinehavingmet upwith thebrilliant BlueBadgeGuide, TomBrazil, himself a London IPAmember.Withhis vast knowledgeas a retiredMetropolitanPolice officer, Tom recountedall the gory details of past deeds in theWappingarea. The second visit was equally good, again guidedby Tom. Our tourmeandered through theSohodistrict - withmost of us learning quitemodernhistory of theareaand some remembering famous eventswhichoccurred inour lifetime. After lunchwemet upat theentrance to the PalaceofWestminster. As it was aFriday and neither Chamber sits, wewereable to visit bothHouseswith theexcellent Parliament guide - StephenDeWinton. His in-depth knowledge gaveus a fact-packedhour pointingout the significanceof paintings and statues throughout the tour. Aswedidnot pay for theGuide services a collectionwas takenamongst ourselves raising£70 for MacMillanNurses–amost worthy cause. Our thanks toPaulineand JohnOsborne for organisingboth great days out in London. To view images from theseevents visit: the ThamesValley branchFacebookpage for International PoliceAssociation - Thames Valley branch. MikeVince , ThamesValley branch

Friendship onTap

After the success3Region’sfirst brewery tour toAllgates in2013, a second tourwas arranged. This time thedestinationwas York Brewery. Fourteenwilling volunteers, 10 IPA members and4 guests fromaround theRegion and further afield,met in TheMaltings public housebeforemovingon to the tour. Weentered the very nice tap room, witha lounge areaand shop, whichhad6YorkBrewery beers available. Therewas something to suit everyone’s taste. Dan, our guide for theevening, gaveus a great tour which covered thehistory of the brewery aswell as theprocesses and ingredients they use tomake theexcellent tastingbeer. After the tour, andhavingworkedupanappetite, the group retired toaChinese restaurant and it’s fair to say everyonehada fill of good food too. At theendof theeveningpeoplewereasking when is thenext one! DarrenEdwards , Region3Secretary

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


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