Police World Edition 2 2014


CheshireBranch Relaunch Dave Taylor, SecretaryGeneral, reports that onMonday6 January, 2014, Cheshirebranch heldanAGMand formally announced that theywerenowofficially relaunched. The followingmemberswereduly elected to theCommittee: FrankHurst - Chair , Spike Elliot - ViceChair , DavidSpeak - Branch

First Time Experience of the IPA Family StuartBlack, fromSussexbranch, recently tookhisfirst tripoverseasusing IPA contacts. Stuart said, “InDecember 2013,mywife Rachelleand I travelled toCalgary inCanada to visit friends. Beforewe travelled I had made contact withSectionUK's admin centre (BSAC) to see if we couldmeet withother IPA members inCanada. I was duly contacted byHarry Summerton, theNational Travel Secretary for IPACanada, who subsequenty putme in contact withGrahamLenton the Chair of IPACalgary branch.”

Secretary and Terry Wilson - Treasurer. Themeeting discussed procedures and

agreedaplan to forward the aims of the IPA and topromote

membership to the existingmembers and toengage in activemeasures to increase the future membershipof thebranch.

Arthur Troop Scholarship Awarded An IPAmember basedat theScottishPolice CollegehasbeenawardedanArthur Troop Scholarship. MarkHutcheon, whose current role includes the maintenanceof thenational probationer training programme, was oneof 33applicants from across theworldwhoapplied for aScholarship; only tenScholarshipswereawarded. Markhasbeen in contact with IPASectionUSA and trainingestablishments in theStates about courses andhasdecideduponattendinga Narcotics, ViceandStreet CrimeSupervisors training course in LasVegas, Nevada. Hewill alsobeusing theScholarship to gainexposure to Americanoperational policing. Speaking toPoliceWorldMark said, “I applied for theArthur TroopScholarshipafter reading accounts fromprevious awardees, andwas impressedwith the support shown to those awardees throughout the IPA community. I look forward to the challenges that the2014Arthur Photosof UK OfficersWanted!

Stuart (far right) withmembers of CalgaryBranch

Stuart went on to say hewasdelightedwith thewelcomeheandhiswife receivedand that Grahamwas amineof informationof where to goandplaces to see. As luckwouldhave it Calgary branchwere holdingapre-Christmasdrink towhichStuart andRachellewere invited. Stuart added, “Rachelleand I were treated withgreat friendshipand it was fantastic toaskandanswer questions fromothers involvedwith lawenforcement. At theendof ourmeetingGraham tookus back to thehotel afterwehadbeenpresentedwithaCalgary Branchmemento. Thiswas our first experienceof the IPA family overseas and it is somethingweare looking to experiencingagain in the future. Our thanks go toHarry andeverybody at theCalgary branch.” Editor’snote: Why not submit a Travel Form yourself? To findoutmore visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Travel-Accomm

TroopScholarshipbrings andwill be sure to make themost of this opportunity.” Mark is29 years’ oldandhas10 years police service, previously postedwithCentral Scotland Police. In thepast two yearshehas completed aDiploma inHigher Education (Trainingand Development) and theDiploma inPoliceService LeadershipandManagement; healsobecamea father for the first time. To learnmoreabout theArthur Troop Scholarship, visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Arthur- Troop-Scholarship- You can reada list of achievementsby Yvonne Taylor, SectionUK’s previousScholarshipwinner, at: http://www. ipa-uk.org/Chronicle-of-an-AT-Scholar The list has just beenupdated.

OlgaBirkina, fromSectionRussia, isputting together a seriesof books ‘Policeof theWorld’ featuringphotosof policeofficers inuniform fromacross theworld. Shewould like to receivephotos of UKpoliceofficers, in their uniform, for inclusion inher next book. Anyone interested in sending their photo shouldemail her on: rus.policeman-book@bk.ru

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


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