Police World Edition 2 2014


- all thanks tohis placement. Hewent on to say, ‘At theendof January, SavKyriakouandhis wife visitedFlorida. Inhopeof returning some of the tremendoushospitality displayedby Sav and colleaguesduringmy visit, I gaveSav full access to thePoliceDepartment. Savwas able to spend timeexploring theunits and shooting in the range. I tookadvantageof his expertiseas I showedhimour policedepartment plans for a citywideCCTVand LPRproject. Sav’s insight will enableus tomakemoreknowledgeabledecisions on this project. The contacts andexperience I had inHertfordshirewill last a lifetime. The benefit tomy department is great and cannot be measured.” To conclude - this is only the start. Make the recruitment and retention strategywork for youby embracing theethos and contributing ideas onall 3Platforms. Basedonan idea I got from theRetiredPolice OfficersAssociationof Scotland (RPOAS), IPARegion1, Scotland isproposingan initiative toproducean ‘Arthur Troop CentenaryWhisky’. The idea is toproduce a10 year oldSpeysidemalt whisky anda25 year old limitededition (individually numbered). RPOASproduced limitededitions of aSpeyside Malt in2013 tomark theendof Grampian Police. It was a great success. I bought several bottles, particularly of the30 year oldas an inheritanceand reminder of their upbringingas ‘bobbies kids’ formy children. They have said theywill never sell them! I haveopenedand shareda littleof onebottlewithmy son, increasing the valueof theother numbered bottles! The IPAwas verymuchpart of their upbringingand I am sure theywill valueboth commemorativeeditions equally. It is anticipated thebottleswill sell at about £30 for the10 year oldand£80 for a25 year old. The productiondistillerywill bekept secret and the whiskywill alwaysbe the ‘Region1, Scotland, IPA, Arthur TroopCentenaryWhisky’. The packagingwill bedistinctive, with the IPA tartan, theScottish logoandapottedhistory of the IPA onboth the cartonand the labels on thebottles. Thiswill beunique. Weare still at the stageof gauging the viability of this initiative. If youmight be interested ineither or both vintages emailmeoneuanipa@gmail.com by30April 2014. Doing sowill not commit you to apurchase, but it will enableus tonegotiateon theway forward. Therehasbeen considerable international interest in thewhisky. Unfortunately, owing to export restrictions, we canonly supply to IPA memberswho can specify aUKdelivery address. EuanForbes , GrampianBranch Arthur Troop

For exampleRegion9 (NorthWest London, BedfordshireandHertfordshire), particularly HertfordshireBranch, evenbefore theFree MembershipOffer, has enrolledahigh number of newmembers in recent times. Its involvement ina regular exchangeof overseas policeofficers, onaprofessional exchange basis, hasbeen instrumental inattractingand keepingmembers. Everyone is invited to get involvedand thosewhodo report onbenefits for themselves personally, the IPA, their police forceand the community at large. GerryMcDonald, District Commander of East HertfordshireandSimonHawkins, Superintendent for UniformOperational Support acrossBedfordshire, Cambridgeshireand Hertfordshire, are IPAmembers and senior officerswhose support hasmadeExchange Programmes possible for IPAmemberswithin HertfordshirePolice. Gerry took timeout tophonePoliceWorld withhis views on ILDEP. ‘Inmy daily managementmeetings, external partners report backonhowpleased thepublic andpoliticians areeach time foreign policeofficers inuniformare involved in Hertfordshire’s community policing. I don’t regard theexchanges as a hindrance - they area totallywin /win situation for Hertfordshire Police.’ Havingparticipated inan exchangehimself, Simonhas thesewords of encouragement for other senior officers. ‘Exchanges formeare great ways tomeet new friends and shareexperiences and all cops love to tell a story! More importantly, forme they really help to share ‘trade tools’ andenhanceopportunities toprotect thepublicwitha greater knowledge about what workswell andwhy. I would strongly encourageanyone toparticipate inexchange opportunities and if you’rea linemanager, help facilitate themas they bring great benefits to your team.’ USA IPAmembers JohnFlannery and Tom Sanchez explainhow their placement in Hertfordshire last year has resulted in the idea of anongoingprogrammeof improvement to new recruits. John, aPoliceScience Instructor from Wisconsin saidhisdepartment is attempting to createaprogrammebywhichpolice recruits spend time in theUKandperform service learninghourswithan international agency. It hopes todevelopbotha global awareness of policingandmore specifically allow recruits to compare / contrast USApolicing strategieswith that of foreign lawenforcement agencies. Tom toldPoliceWorld that after negotiating withaUK company toexperiment usingan aircard LicensePlateRecognition (LPR) from theUK in theUnitedStates, hismay be the first department in theUS touse thisUK technology

engagememberswepotentially lose them. Weneed tokeepmembers interested in theAssociationwhether they arenew members or they have50 years’ membership.’ Advocating ‘mentoring’, ie the branchassigns anactivemember toproactively engagewitheach newmember toensureaproper welcomeand full involvement, Mickpoints out thebenefits. ‘Once newmembers are comfortable, they themselves canbecomementors andas they evolveandexperience the IPA, they can be identifiedand shownapathway tobecoming anofficeholder. ‘Successionplanning’ starts whenpeople join, not whenanewofficeholder isneeded.’ IconicEvents - Platform2 TheNational Executivehave takena lead in organisingaweekendof celebrations tomark the 100thanniversary of thebirthof Arthur Troop. UsingNottinghamas thebase, theprogramme has already attractedbookings frommembers of many overseasSections. TheAnnual CharityBall tobeheld inYorkaims to bea successful event for achieving IPA friendship and raising funds for theNational Police Memorial Day - SectionUK’s chosen charity. What’snext?Checkout theEvents pageonpage 31andpage22 for details and to join in! Other iconic events are in theearly stages of planning for 2015. Regions andBranches are requested toorganise their ownevents, and/or ‘piggy-back’ onevents organisedby others inorder to increaseactivity across theSection. Order Your Arthur Troop CentenaryBadge Today! ILDEP - International Learning andDevelopment Exchange Programme - Platform3 Since its launch in January2014, ILDEPhas started to receive inquiries frommembers of SectionUKandoverseasSections. As of 28 February, IainSirrell, theNational Co-ordinator, (see - bottompage11) has6applications at various stages of processingand the first of theapplicants aredue to commence their placementsduring the summer. What’snext? It is important to reflect on the success achievedalready and some good practice that hasbeenout there for awhile. ThenewArthur TroopCentenary pin badge isnowavailable toorder for £2 Toplace your order visit: www.ipa-uk.org/shop incP&P.

POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014


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