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COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM – CCS Fond du Lac County Dept. of Community Programs 459 E. 1 st Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 929-3565
Services: CCS is a program for adults and children living with mental health or substance abuse diagnoses which interferes with or limits major life activities. CCS consumers and their service facilitators develop a Recovery Team for each consumer to provide advocacy and support while helping the consumer access supportive services to keep him or her in the community. The program services are matched to the needs of each individual. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER OF FOND DU LAC 105 S. Main Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 923-4110 Dedicated to the development of children and families, Family Resource Center (FRC) provides: Pregnancy testing, support and referrals Pre and post-natal assistance for infant and toddler items (including diapers and car seats, when available) Free parenting classes and workshops throughout year One-on-one parenting with family life educator at Family Resource Center On-site parenting at ARC, Beacon House, Fond du Lac County Jail, and Taycheedah, etc. In-home education/support program for parents with children birth to five, a monthly, in- home visit for child development, age appropriate activities, school readiness, and child screenings Weekly playgroup (0-5 years) Connection Center, Foster care respite
FRIENDSHIP CORNER 21 E 2 nd Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Telephone: (920) 266-8447 Hours of service: Monday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program: The Friendship Corner provides a safe, supportive place for individuals recovering from mental illness to go and gain peer support and friendship. It is a non-clinical support services open to any adult consumer of mental health services. There is no cost to join or participate in the drop-in center programs. Affiliated with NAMI.
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