Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014

Article 3: Zoning Districts Section 3.7. Planned Development Districts 3.7.1. General

c. Minimum lot width; d. Maximum lot coverage; e. Maximum structure height; f. Maximum individual building size; g. Minimum and maximum setbacks; and h. Minimum setbacks from abutting residential development or residential zoning districts. 10. Development Standards All development in a PD district shall comply with the standards of Article 5: Development Standards, or any modifications of those standards established in the PD Plan/Agreement as consistent with Town plans. 11. Riparian Buffer and Stormwater Management Standards All development in a PD district shall comply with the standards of Article 6: Riparian Buffers, and Article 7: Stormwater Management, that are in place at the time of Construction Plan application acceptance (see Section 2.5.8, Construction Plan Approval). 12. Modifications and Amendments to Approved PD Plan/Agreement Minor modifications of an approved PD Plan/Agreement may occur in accordance with Section 2.5.3.C.7.c, Minor Modifications of Approved PD Plan/Agreement Allowed. Any other modification shall require an amendment of the PD Plan/Agreement in accordance with the procedures for its original approval.

Morrisville, NC

June 2013 Page 3-67

Unified Development Ordinance – Public Hearing Draft

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