News Scrapbook 1973

Dineen g e h . ;(, on ,t spree for Toreros

University of an Diego Mexican-American scholarship benefit "Cinco de :'.1ayo" dance 9 p.m Saturday, May 5, Hil- ton Inn, East :\fission Bay, San Diego. Donation ; $7 couple. Fiesta noon Sunday, May 6, University Sport» Center, Linda Vi ta. t. Rose of Lima lex1can-American Ch day, May 6, parish center, 293 H St., C


meet at


! welcomed.

re to

· for th

University High School scholarship fl de Mayo" fiesta '\lay 46, 5961 Linda Vi! Immaculate lleart of l'llary ch rch, ba1 und y l\fay 6, parish hall 1xth and I:

PLANNED lillll3 o De Mayo Celebrations


food , leather crafts, weav• mg, sewing, paintings and pottery. cholar- ships to Mexican-Amcncans. The event will begin at noon and will inl'lude inging and theater groups. Sunday, a rock festival in USD's football tadium will include Cheech & Chong. a comedy duo, and rock bands Azteca. Jorge Santana & lalo. Rueben and the Jet , Dak1la, Elijah and Tower of Po11er. ft tart at JI a.m. A more formal affair will be a Cinco de :\Imo dance at the Hilton Inn's Fleet Room begmning at 8 p m tomor- row. Gro smont College :\IECHA chapter will ccnduct a Cinco de \1a1 o obse~vance from I to 5 tomorrow in the El Cajon Librar"), 202 i,; Lexing- ton Ave Jr will i <'lud 1i>xiran food a folkloric roup und a band caJled Poli ez In National C Cmco de Mayo cele ill be- g1n at 7·30 p. tom rro Kimball Bowl, 12th Str D Avenue. Funds will go for




celebrate with street

citie dances


from 12·30 lo 1 30 p.m At 1 30 p.m.. \here will be a



and pinatas-the decorated toy filled with candy and gifts which blindfolded children at- tempt to break with sticks. the city will observe the holi• day with a parade beginning start at Muni ·ipal Park nt Avenida Nino H roe at JO a.m tomorrow. It \l


panel on politic .

The participant: mclude Ce ar Chavez, United Farm (Corky) Gonzales, director of Colorado Crusade for Justice in Dem·er; Antonio Rodri- gu z a Lo Angeles attorney director; Rodolfo

in ·tance, Workers

e Se By USD Unlver ity or an D 1 ego coeds day in the Ro e Room. A de- are highlightlrtg the role Of partmenl store fa h10n coor- women in 1973 with a week of dinator will demon~IJ'llte how to eYcn ranging from fashion give sparkle to old clothes with how to career speakers to a new fashion . de_rpon ~rat!on of elf def n e. Following the fashion trend, USD s fir. t Womens W"."k the evening program at 7 p.m. a, held last year," acc:ord1ng m Camino Lounge will feature , Alexa Lubersk1, chrurman. cosmetic, h a i r and fashion •·we saw how the events pulled wear demonstrations. ~ all the women on cam(:'Us to- Women representing a varie- gether. Tins year \!IC have in• ty of career· will meet with st.u- l \ it faculty members and Stu- dents m Serra Hall between 11 _ d ts a \l

nct ve pro-1 to S cond Avenue and{.~-.11-,1,_g1am • and Haul Ruiz of La venida Revolucion. • 1da, a political party. !eanwh1l Anlf'11idh!~'nf \ a Voz Latino-amer1- Mex1can d cen cana a M 1c City theater potpum of e\'en group \\Ill per o from 3 to the coul\ty l:ie mmn 1y. 5 p.m IECHA ( ov1mn!n o EslU· , . . d1antil Chicano de ztlan) f.. D \\ rm DA. CE chapters from California Stale The cta\·'s events will end Lmvcr ii}, San Diego, and w1th a ct"an"e al 8 p.m. m l'CSD, are co-sponsoring a Revelle Cafetena. number of actvitie toda). Two ':lands will At II a.m.• La Ron


and and

..Abortion" Is 11-te topic of a Wednesday noon talk by Di. Patncia Bvangelou in De Sale HaJI. At 7:30 p.m the tune will turn to "Taking Care of Your Bod)" in a pan 1 dbcussion. The panel will inclm1 Dr. Rich-: ard Green, podiatri , Il. e Ku- loh yoga and e erctse demon-J trator and Dr. Serrita Ea l· man, pediatrician. "Human Sexuality" will be discussed Thursday by Joyce Fleming who ¼rites for Psy- chology Today magazine . She will talk at 11 a.m. in Camino Lounge, followed at 2: 15 p,m. by Mary Elizabeth Harding. a former Marylmoll nun who will tell of her n rceration and tort e in Bolivia. "To Be or Not To Be ,Raped," is the topic of karate expert Frederick orzaska at 7 Jl m. in ~fore Hall. A powder puff football a tenni~, swimmtng and voile ball event ~ill clo;;e th .,,, Friday follo\led by a pool dinner and dance. Fie a"'t Senoia IPS At University C C n t r r "This is the biggest and best hing the L' ni vers1ty of San t D1~go has ever sponsored," r said the pre-law student who l was running on nervous energy 11 as he darted through the crowd s at USD's La Gran Fiesta, chec_king on the sale of pinatas, t1 cartmg a load of bread to the a footba~l stadium and makmg t] last-mmute checks with ma- fi riach1 singers and dancers. b The two-day Cinco de Mayo b fiesta which closed yesterday g was dreamed up by Cisneros o and his brother, Denms, to raise funds for a Mexi- s can-American scholarship pro- ti gram. t< Mayor Wilson appeared in n the campus gy)11nasium to , present a pro hunation declar- ' mg Saturday, y 5, as Cinco de Mayo day in n Diego. < SCHOOL RAILEO ; Wilson con I led the uni- versity and s HI nts for.the i fiesta-the school's first mark- t ing . Cinco de Mayo---,and t praised the scholarship drive. \ "-'.'iJthough fiestas are going t on m other parts of the city, c USD appears to be the center of Cinco de Mayo activity," Wil- 1 son said in explaining why USD . was s1ngled out to receive the proclamation. Dr. Author Hughes, president , of the university, appeared to , accept a $1,000 check from the Xerox Corp. of San Diego for I the scholarship fund. IDEA SOURCE "The idea for the Cinco de I Mayo celebration came from < the MECHA organization," ' Hughes said. "Its primary pur- pose is fund raising to support the scholarship for Mexican- . American students. Its secon- ; dary purpose is to let the Anglo 1 people of San Diego to know more about the Mexican-Ameri- can traditions and folklore." Hughes said he was very pleased with the results of the fiesta. "Some of these kids have spent literally hundreds of hours putting it together," he said. "It's entirely a student op- 1 eration." 1


rates Cinco De M

Week ..

Comedians Che<'Ch & Chong, bizarre rock star \lice Cooper and pianist Earl Wild wlll per- form today ln San Diego. Checch & Chong. abo,e, will headline an outdoor music f<-slirnl starting :it It a.m. nn th!\ Lnivrrsity of San Di<•go f ootlJall Field. Cooper. lrft. \lill bring the "R1llion Dollar Bahil's' show lo thP f-port s \rena at 8 tonight. Pianist Wild, right, wlll be the- iuest soloist with thP La ,Jolla Civk• University Orchestra in Sher• wood Hall at 3 and 8 p.m.



'$1Qff Photo G1·an Fiesta ye ·terday. Ma h and Beatriz Carlos, 7, also of Imperial Bea<.'h, were among hundreds at- tending the campus fie ta.

------------ S~r-5 reros and Trojans pie trio of Western athlete

• ..

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Casa de Alcala! new_ly-completed President's r(;si- , deo~e at the {!mver 1ty of San Diego, will be the settmg fpr a dmner the university's r id t, Dr. " utl1? E. Hughes, and l\lrs. Hughe vill give thi Yenm . · The dinner is for members of the public relations end development committees and among tho. e to atte~d are Dr. a d r • Earl Crane of San Be1·- nardmo; the R~v. gr. I. Brent F,;agen; Peter Hughes; Col. Irvmg Salomon; Mr. and trs. George A. cott, :\1r. and M C. Arnholt Smith Trepte and 1\1 . and • 1r.~. Richard P. Wolt11u,-., 111 Re\. 1\1. "T. William Spain of Solana Bea · {_Ind l\Ir.. Gilbert Brown and Mrs. 111 a. si t in • r ·eiving guests. • • • • . . • ,.

. ,

Shanks as the '·finest" field general seen on the prep level. "We hope his ability to bring the ball down court will take some pressure off Stan Washington." Scott Simpson will haul Madison colors to u mvers1ty of Southern California and Stan Wood's golf team. Simpson, who followed former La Jolla High links star Craig Stadler around to his second consecutive SoCal Intercollegiate golf title Monday t see related story I finished the Western League golf campaign with a 70.2 strokes per round average. He also carried a 3.6 grade point average and 1s leanmg toward a business major at USC. Right along with Simpson comes his opposite number from Point Lorna's golf crew Peter Thompson Coach Wood was notified earlier this week that Thompson, Lorna's number one golfer, has enrolled at USC Thompson, who started playing golf in San Diego's junior program just four years ago averaged near 75 strokes per round this year " I feel my best is still to com ," he said. " I feel I've come along well · ;ust avr years of play. And there's more com Thompson earned a heavy load through Lomaland and fimshed'With a 3.9 grade pomt average -JW-

The econd most asked question among graduating teenagers today is "Where are vou going•" It follows "ls the surf up?" in popularity among the tanned and light of heart ln Western Lei.gue athletic circles. as el ewhere a number of youngsters are being "rush,·d ' by umver. 1ties big and small giving evidence that prime talent is a valuable commod1tv. chool election by a trio of Western stars this pa t week give equal evidence that the young ters are more than able to cope with the pressure· of recruiting and choose their :chool with care and consideration Madison's Rodney Shanks, a Sentmel- K1wanis All-Western League guard and an II CW player selection skipped through a number of scholar~h1p offers 1n favor of l n1v r itv of San Diego Shank. tall tor a prep backcourter al 6-3. ~crv d a play-maker fur th Hawks m lc.iding John Hannon's crew 'to an un- prcrl'tl ·nted seventh straight Western Leagu • a ketball title.






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